Wednesday, August 30, 2006
"One may stray from the path of a man and one may stray from the path of a woman. But no one is to stary from the path of a human!" -Bon Clay
Heyo.. now blogging then in 10 min times i going out to WRSS.. keke.. anyway.. i realised something. However a strong woman is, she really need the love and warmth from a man. And however strong a man is, he need woman in his entire life. haha.. true? keke..
Im going off now.. cya.. bye..
Btw.. if No-Name is here.. just wan to say.. Go and eat shit..
~minky is out~
"Dying is not a dreadful thing, but it is when nobody care."
My hamster Xiao Bai had got one big tumour around her backside. It is getting bigger and my father is bringing her to eternal sleep tml. Of course i did cry.. but not that much cos i told myself its not really a sad thing, as she have us. She got my love and the love will overcome any pain she going through now. I feel very upset actually cos its like she is here moving about but in a few days she is dead. I wan to cry thinking about it.
No matter wat, i Love all my hamster. XiaoHei, DaHei, XiaoHong,XiaoBai. I will always remeber you all. <3
~minky is out~
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
"Ramen is the best!"
I went out to shop with esther and rong qian at bugis.. then we went to eat ajisan ramen. BEST MAN! very nice.. i ate the Black Pepper Beef Ramen. YUMMY Oeishi! haha..
Then went to visit my grandpa at TTSH. Then he tml can discharge le.. tml 10 i have to go out with mom to granma house then go TTSH cos they all wan me to help them listen to wat doctor say.. keke..
~minky is out~
Monday, August 28, 2006
Im going to update wats happening in my life now.. haha
1) I going to join WeBlog IG.. haha.. it sounds like fun..
2) I going to hoilday in Genting at 1st of Sept to 3rd of Sept.
3) I currently playing maple story even though i know its lame.. im too bored!
4) Going back to WRSS on 31st Aug.
5) My grandpa in hospital. Now condition very stable.
6) My laptop going crazy. Internet very slow, then spybot le still very slow.. got to go IT Helpdesk..
7) I bought a new waistBag. Converse de.
8) I MISS W16F!!!
So these are my activities. haha.. see you around!.
~minky is out~
Saturday, August 26, 2006
"Its takes more than just a Friendship Band"
She could just be a normal friend, who helps you with your additional maths homework. He could come in the form of a fellow basketball mate, who enjoys playing xbox with you. She might be the one who went through thick and thin with you, when you got dumped.
We are talking about friends. There are some we regard superficially, others we keep closer to our hearts. But no matter how, maintaining friendships has never been an easy thing to do.
Sometimes, when a problem strikes, words can fail us. And that's where friends come into the picture. they are able to understand your problems even without listening to the whole pictures, because they are going through the same things you are. Friends make up a big portion of your social circle, making the best people to confide and have fun with. But even as we relish in these wonderful relationships we have with our friends, as we grow older, and find more things for us to do, we sometimes also forget our old friends, lose in touch and subsequently lose them. Sometimes we manage to get a friendship back after a very long time. But most of the time, we forgot. So let Minky give you a handy guide! haha..
- Update your particulars often!
- Regular meetups
- Set up a blog
- Join school alumni
- Give your friend exclusive copyright to one activity with you
- Leave your mark on their lives
There are many circumstances that can cause friends to drift apart. But at the same time, there are many ways to continue to be best friends. Often times, its up to you to take the first step to keep the friendship alive. But its definitely wirth the effort when 5 yrs down the road, or more, you still have the same bestie whos being through thick and thin with you =)
~minky is out~
Hey.. its once again the Appraisal time! haha.. some of you will be commented something by Minky! =)
Cheryl~ Thanks for your support and consolation when im down..Thanks for cooling down me using the cold tissue when im down with fever i will always remember the girl who called me to press the projector. =P
Joyci~ Thanks for being the listening ear when im complaining and fraustrated. Thanks for being by my side.
Mel~ Thanks for the fun we had. And thanks for the things u confide in me.
Ky~ Thanks for reading my lame emails.Thanks for the appreciation of the gift. Thanks for the fun we had. Thanks for the challenge you set for me. And thanks for being my friend.
Huihui~ Thanks for the care and concern you had shown to me. I will remember the red tennis girl.
Johnson~ Thanks for giving some useful advice when i need help. Thanks for helping me time to time.
Saf~ Thanks for your everything. You are a lovable and friendable friend.
Izza~ Thanks for helping me with my blog. Thanks for the help you provided in anything.
Mama~ Thanks for the nice massage you gave me. Thanks for being my mama..
Janis~ Thanks for your words. Thanks for laughing with me.
Desmond~ Thanks for advicing me. Thanks for the jokes you said.
Faiz~ Thanks for asking me whether im okie. Thanks for being the same class as i am.
Wong~ Thanks for the lame things you did. It make me feel happy and cheerful
Spence~ Thanks for organizing things for us. Its successful in my heart no matter what.
Minli~ Thanks for the help you aided when im in hard times.
W16f, I had never ever regret spending my precious time with you. The fun and laughter, the tears and sadness. I believe there is nothing we had not gone through together. Some of us might wan to change class eagerly, while the rest are reluctant. But we must accept the fate of having to face new challenges that await us. I wan to thanks W16F for appearing in my world, the world that is of confused and darkness, the world that had no direction and roads to take.
Note: A special thanks to someone. Someone who i had hang out always, to share the big gulp and crackers, the one whom i had never fail to eat breakfast and lunch, the one whom had share the happening of his life to me, the one who waited for me to appease when im angry, and the one who chose me as his friend. Im sorry for all the things that happened, when im angry, when im teasing you, when im doing the things you feel annoyed and when im nagging. But i wan you to know that, no matter what, you are still my friend. Best friend to be specific. I don care what i am to you, but theres no denial that you create a great impact in me and the one who indirectly caused a great turning point in my life. I will be glad if you do not despise me.
~minky is out~
"Once broken, considered sold. Same logic that goes to human mind."
Had a blast in bbq.. haha.. i so emo sia.. but then tt cheryl.. lol.. funny.. then left me, hyder, cheryl, solo, mama, papa, spence and joyci then at 2, mama and papa went off. Then the six of us went off to walk walk at 2 oso.. juz after they went off. Then reach a place spence and joyci went off to stroll.. the four of us was playing game and talking untill going to 4, then we went off to mac and sit down. cheryl and solo eat breakfast, i eat apple pie. hyder went to sleep on the playground which i join later on.. haha.. then cheryl and solo wake me up and bluff me its 6, but then they ask me to look after the things while they went walk walk. then joyci and spence came back and i went to sleep again. i woke up at 6 and the 6 of us took cab home. me, hyder and solo and cheryl took one and joyci and spence took another. i reach home at about 7 which i slept till 3 in the afternoon.. haha..
I went shopping with sis and her friend at cwp. then i bought a converse waist bag and a sugarcane mosturizer cream.. this one is mel intoduce de.. so nice the smell! thats why i say i some sort ate the Sube-Sube fruit. Sube = Smooth. love it man.. haha.. then we went to eat mos then reach home at about 10.45.
~Minky is out~
P.S: My maple character finally become a magician. haha.. =p
Thursday, August 24, 2006
"Friends, once you stepped into my world, i can't possibly forget you..Especially those whom i always hang out.. Mark my words.."
No matter what i did, no matter what i do, juz wan you to know, im doing this and that JUZ as a friend. If you choose to avoid me, i will be upset. Simply because i am damn sad and afraid if i lose a friend.
I do not know how many times i will be saying, i am now worried about this matter. it really bothered me alot. Thats becos it is friendship that we are toking about. What i care now most importantly is, do you still regard me as a friend or nothing? if there is anything that shouldnt happen, i really regret this and sincerely apologize about it.
I do not know how much tears i shed for you, they are only friendship tears. I do not know how many times i worried for you, they are normal for friends to do that. I do not know how many times i quarrel with you, they are nothing big. And most importantly, i do not know why i said all these, they are words from the heart of a best friend
P.S: Happy birthday to qiu ling! my prrrretty sis! keke.. keep on pretty yea!
~minky is out~
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
"W16F.. if i am a fish, then you are the sea.. letting me to breathe. If i am a bird, then you are the sky, letting me fly."
"Im not afraid to lose someone i like.. but i AM afraid if i lose my friends"
Today we went to cafe galilee to discuss work.. last day in school as a member of W16F. After presenting, mama went to play a ppt that made me cry.. im the first you noe.. haiz.. then cheryl and ziying kana affected by me so we three cry.. then faiz cry and saf oso.. mama oso cry.. wong too.. haiz.. then everyone got emo sia.. then we take a lot of lame photo and then we ok liao.. i stop crying le. but when i going off, i went hugging ppl. then untill cheryl, before i hug her, i saw her face then i cry again.. lol.. i don noe what happen sia.. then i stop abit le.. but when saf, cheryl and faiz tgt cry again, i cry again!! lol.. crazy man.. ok enuff of it..
mama!! thanks for your gift! haha.. and thanks faiz for the clip clip! haha.. i read mama de i wan to cry at first.. but then i hold it down and i succeeded! yea. haha
~minky is out~
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
" Are you the one or are you not?"
Hey.. here to mention about someone.. serious.. no offend here =) juz wan to let you know what i think only.. im not trying to argue or complain anymore.. so don blame me okie? =) cheers
Once, twice and thrice.. its okie.. i don mind in my mouth.. although it is in my heart.. Fourth, fifth and sixth.. im used to it.. so i don mind.. but still feel uneasy in my heart...seventh, eighth, ninth.. im getting annoyed.. but still don really say it out.. untill one day.. the tenth.. i cannot stand anymore.. have to sit down le.. if you still catch no ball, i'll explain to you.
Once, twice and thrice.. you pangseh me.. its okie.. its only the beginning.. Fourth, fifth and sixth.. you pangseh me again.. im okie.. but you wouldnt know how i feel.. seventh, eighth, ninth.. i told myself to tahan.. cos i believe there is no tenth.. but i was wrong.. you had had it the tenth wat can i say? i don really have the mood to argue.. so i juz pretend im okie with it.. saying " if you can pon then pon lor".. but serious la.. u wan pon u pon.. i don beg ppl de..
so erm last word is..plz go for the barbeque.. do not pangseh me again.. plz.. really.. i know you are you.. but sometime you have to think of ppl's feeling.. can u do that as a friend's wish?
I sincerely swear i have no offend motive to blog this. really. i juz wan you to go for the bbq.. is this resonable as a friend's request? i hope so..
~minky is out~
Sunday, August 20, 2006
"Please bring me to the far far land where we should belong.."
Today so sian... but got go my cousin house.. so dirty his house.. haiz.. nv clean like tt.. but still okie la.. juz that alot of dust and cigarrettes dust. haiz...
Tml going to school le.. yea.. haha.. weekend damn sian lor.. then tml is thomas de lesson.. hehe.. later tease me again.. he very funny.. i got think of something butta.. i think its impossible.. or am i sure? omg.. plz.. no way man.. keke.. lame.. crap.
~minky is out~
P.S: Tml is the dateline for diary..
Saturday, August 19, 2006
"If you are happy and you know it tell me so...If you are happy and you know it tell me so...If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you are happy and you know it tell me so.."
This song nice? keke.. so funny.. its a children song.. if u still don noe how to sing.. tell me.. i make it a live one for u.. keke..=X.. anyway today abit sian.. cos someone pangseh me.. haha.. nah.. juz kidding.. i understand la.. its like.. you will feel guilty if someone ask u to go out first and u go out with others.. its good lor.. i happy instead of angry actually.. its like u know what is the best to do.. good good.. keep it up okie? haha..
i not sure if i wan to quit my guitar.. alot of my friend gonna quit.. cos we all believe we don really learnt anything..and the fees is getting higher and higher.. true lor.. its like we stil very lousy but they don care skip skip then upgrade then fees increased.. not fair..
~minky is out~
Friday, August 18, 2006
Happy 17th birthday to our Mr Ng Kian Yong Da Ky Da KOP !! And its 12.00a.m now!! hur hur.. Changing class soon eh? we still keep in contact la.. for the sake of our second semester.. cos we can pass around the ppt.. wahahah.. U better remember mine.. mine is 22th of may.. remember! rest assured.. i will tell u oso.. Hui san de is 5th of jan.. remember oso.. u better remember these two day.. i don care.. wahaha..take it as to repay us for the present.. =)
~minky is out~
"I want to stay in your heart, Listening to your heartbeats"
Today maths vb.. wahaha.. very funny... all of us nv do alot.. juz present as one whole again.. but very fun..
Went to support Mr Eric in the open mic today.. we are the most craziest supporters there.. everyone saw us was shocked sia.. even the photographer which i think from @Loud de keep shooting us.. woohoo we are gona be on magazine man.. keke..
Tonight at 12.00a.m i forsee something miracle will happen. Please be prepared on that time.. Thank you..
~minky is out~
Thursday, August 17, 2006
"Im waiting.. waiting for the day when the desired rainbow appear infront of me.."
I muz congratulate hui san sia.. wahaha..for finding her xin fu liao.. u better be contented than me hor... or else i angry.. haha.. how can u be worst than me? am i rite? i feel like im crazy and foolish sia.. help!~ haha.. la la la la la la.. is it going to be futile? im scared.. i don noe why but i have a bad feeling about this.. omg.. hui san.. plz bless me sia.. wahaha.. ok crap.. lame.. la la la la la la
today i nv do anything haiz.. but i had to come.. to see eric one last time.. wahaha.. he treat us pizza sia.. so nice.. but not enuff.. haiz.. manage to get one piece but not enuff.. haiz..
~minky is out~
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
"The role of parents do not include the fulfilments of a child's most need.."
What i need most is parents who are willing to listen to me.. not there to comment so many things that conclude i am always in wrong.. I do not need this kind of parents.. am i always in wrong? i did reflect on myself.. but i really do not think im ALWAYS in the wrong.. sometimes im in the right.. but they do not say that.. all they do is use wateva they have to shoot me saying im wrong.. i hate them..
Good night W16F.. Good night classmates.. till we meet again... till we meet again... LOL.. its actually a song sang in npcc during the officially closing of a campfire.. today de problem ok la.. not too bad..
~minky is out~
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
"No matter what happen to me, i will still be there to protect you.."
Today after enterprise UT, me , cheryl, ky, johnson and the gang in w15e pon ten together. haha.. tt alan hor.. omg.. making eveything very difficult sia.. but anyway he still pon.. but i not there le.. i went back with john and ky le.. then johnson and me and my mom and sis take train together.. john going to bugis whereas we going to lavender then lol.. i can only say we are damn funny.. shall not say here.. it will be written in my diary.. haha..
Im not afraid to say anything here.. if u are here and read eveything, its good u noe.. i don care how you feel, if u cannot take it, its ok if u juz click the cross and *tink! u are out!.
You are such a nuisance and big mouth.. yesterday keep commenting me, today? what have u done? i noe you jealous of me becos i have something u don.. so be it.. i din noe u are such a petty and lousy idiot.. fancy telling fat ass celine that i pon school.. its ok.. im alrite.. i understand that fat asses should help their kind.. and moreover the bigger one should help those smaller one.. am i rite? i take it as a yes.. anyway i do not care if celine is happy with me or not... i only noe that i am definitely not happy with her.. nonetheless we are not going to see each other again.. unless next week.. even if she grade me lousy i don care.. im ok..
here is a nice game. mayb you should try this.. for example:
Zero.. here.Zero means nthin.. a nobody.. keke.. nice huh?
~minky is out~
Monday, August 14, 2006
" As long as i know you have me in your heart, im contented."
Today de problem statement funny sia.. haha.. anyway.. to somebody there.. not happy with me tell me la.. or don even come and ka jiao me.. wat the hell do you wan to come and comment wateva i said? i play play say mr thomas hao lian you oso wan to comment, wan to comment go to the ministry board to complain la.. don comment me plz.. you have no right to do so.. why in hell you wan to go against me? don really wan to care about you anyway.. nth in you interest me.. am i so interesting that you have to comment anyway? *la la la la*.
today is the day we suppose to exchange the diary with hui san.. she forgot! *grrrr*.. anyway she like so poor thing.. sick haha.. rest well and get well soon la..
~minky is out~
Sunday, August 13, 2006
"No matter what happen, i will stay beside you, making sure you smile"
Today went to find hui san at plaza sing.. haha.. got some treats though.. nice! but ex =( haha.. can u believe it? one normal strawberry dipped halfway with some kind of chocolate and it cost $9...!!
after that went to my grandpa stall.. and my parents went home first cos im waiting for hui san to go back with her.. so i stay at the stall.. and he sold every durian at about 9.. so he pack everything i saw that he is a very organize person.. he pack things slowly and steadyly.. and i think that he is a very noble person.. this stall has been there for about 30 something years le..since my father is about 10 something years old, my grandpa went to sell durian so that my father have the money to study.. till now, he is 80 something le.. he still sell.. haiz.. everyone ask him not to sell le.. cos his hand is trembling very greatly.. its like, very scary that kind.. even got customer saw le also volunteer to open themselves.. haiz..i want to help, but i don noe anything.. somemore like too many cook spoilt the soup like tt..
~minky is out~
P.S: The fallen angel has flown away.. till the day it fall again, we shall meet..
Saturday, August 12, 2006
" Where there is people, there is conflict.."
Don you totally agree with me? who in the world can go through his/her life without conflict? haha.. so when you have a conflict, be sure not to be so exggerating.. cos everyone also will meet this kind of problem..
People backstabbing? its totally common nowsaday.. nobody can deny they will never backstab people b4.. i myself sure have de.. its really human instinct.. if u bu shuang tt person u sure will backstab the person de.. oh sorry.. my backstab here means saying bad things behind the back.. yup..
okok.. stop all these.. haha wat i wan to say.. be it to everyone out there reading this or even myself, no matter wat, juz treat it as nth happen.. continue your life and enjoy it as much as possible.. its your life isnt it? so wat for becos of ppl treating you like tt u sad sad go through one day? u muz be crazy.. haha..
~minky is out~
Friday, August 11, 2006
"A day spent watching firework is the most romantic day.."
Afternoon went out at 1.15 to meet ky at admiralty then meet cheryl and solo at plaza sing.. then we eat mac.. lol.. lame rite? then we went to play pool at my aunt working place.. im the lousier one! i won cheryl, ky won me, cheryl won ky.. stupid rite? haha.. for solo? he won all of us.. keke.. then solo and cheryl went to orchard so me and ky balek kampong.. haha.. i need to prepare myself for nite activities..
Nicey! yesterday nv blog cos i reach home at about 1.. hehe.. i went out with my friends to watch fireworks and we enjoy ourselves greatly.. haha.. we scream and shout and do stupid things.. then the fireworks damn pretty man.. omgosh.. alot of ppl sia.. very squeezy but manage to get a place to sit.. haha.. then we went to eat then take cab home.. keke..
~minky is out~
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Today pon school.. haha.. abit guilty to my team.. but i first time pon leh... not always ma.. anyway i pon then go solomon's house play mahjong.. haha then we ordered pizza and eat.. then untill about 6 like tt we went home le.. abit tired rite now.. zzzz.. haha
The angel is now sitting down thinking what should he do.. plz aid him whenever he asked.. thanks..
~minky is out~
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
"Letting you go may not be a good idea but the milk is spilled.."
Heyo peeps! i got ya a good love story.. hehe.. guess wat? im the orginal author of this story entitled " The futile wait.".. keke.. so open your eyes and read! hope it is not boring.. =)
Not knowing what is lying before my eyes, i step into the famous pizza maker restaurant, Pizza Hut. A waiter shuffled her feets to get us seated and shoving the menus in front of us. Looking into the menu and thinking about what to eat, my sharp eyes was caught by this familiar figure, walking in a quick pace to serve food. I suddenly rememberd this person.. he was the one whom my cousin had teased before during a dinner a few months ago. His name is Ken.
Ken is a waiter in Pizza Hut and he has a nicely dyed bronze hair. I believe he is 17-20 of age by the look and he wore spectacles. But hes a bit different now, given that he changed his specatcles to a white one instead.
I feel a gush of warm blood rushing through my face and i was feeling nervous and warm. "How i wish that he would be the one who came and take our orders. How i wish he would be the one who serve the food to us using his own hand. It would be nice isn't it?" These silly thoughs ran through my mind for a few times before someone came and take our orders. Alas! It wasn't Ken. How dissapointed i am! "Nevermind.." i said to myself.." he will be the one who serve us the food then.. im sure of it..". So we waited for the food to come and i have no appetitde to eat because im worried that my wish wouldn't came true!
The food has arrived.. it wasnt him again.. but there is a mistake in the food served. So there tiny chance that he will come.. Bingo! This time it was him.. but what makes me feel sad is.. he din even look at my eyes when he came.. not like that time i had with my cousin.. occasionally, he would walk pass me and look at me.. but i did not look, because i dont feel like looking. And so.. after finish every bits and bites, we went off.. a single goodbye will be enough but he didn't...
so carrying a broken heart, i went off... hoping to see him again....
haha.. nice? abit funny rite? sorry.. din really have the skills... keke..
~minky is out~
P.S: Happy birthday to Singapore! I love you!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
"A teacher must not be emotional.."
Haha.. today my group suffer the most sia.. kana tekan by celine.. haha.. she like got emo auntie coming sia.. so firece.. haiz...
Nth to tok much.. only can say something.. the Fallen Angel has stop crying and decide to stand up again. Now is the period when the Angel is learning to stand up.. So plz tahan the Angel if he did something wrong.. =)
~minky is out~
Monday, August 07, 2006
"Feeling sorrow after hollow.."
Desufnoc mi... Flesym tcetorp ot evah i tey tub pu gnivig ekil leef i. Syad wef tsap eht rof lufesromer leef i tub yhw eon nod i.
Today as i said.. only 17 ppl come.. 8 din come today.. Mel ( not feeling well) Mar ( stomach pain) Faiz and Naz (went to acer building to repair lappy) then the rest is Ziying, Hui Hui, Alan and Ky. Mayb they pon school ba. haha.. anyway today thomas siao liao.. always come and tease me.. ok.. mayb not always.. but he everytime at least will tease me once de lor.. last week say im the teletubie picture.. then today say i so happy.. haha.. cos i got A for his module...haha.. then he keep saying i so happy.. la la la la la..
~minky is out~
Sunday, August 06, 2006
"Somethings arent that easy.. schools will not allowed students to have advantages.. "
Today class quite okie.. got 4 groups.. mine and desmond de group combined.. then the rest 3 groups got 4 ppl.. haha.. but its okie.. i anything de.. its the people who din come then shortchange lor.. haha.. cos thomas said that these few weeks de topic will be related to next semester de topic.. so its is a must to come... la la la la la la la..
Haha.. mad and me in school now.. but she is in catholic JC.. im in RP keke.. la la la... miss her sia.. cant tok to her right now.. somemore they cant use msn.. haiz..
~minky is out~
"Do not underestimate people whom you think is weak, they might be your worst enemy"
LOL.. stupid xll.. pang seh me.. so lazy.. LAZY BUM! keke.. aiya.. nvm la.. i was resting anyway haha... then 4p.m went to funan IT mall with miie father.. and i bought a case!! juz nice the size.. haha... bought it at $32.90.. haha..then i went back alone.. with the accompany of mel mel who sms with me.. mie father went to my grandpa there.. i din go.. sian ma..
Mad!! haha.. i so happy.. got a new case.. and u bought something oso rite? still don wan tell me eh? so stubborn.. haha.. nvm.. i will wait.. i will noe what u buy de.. one day... muahahaha... lame sia.
~minky is out~
Saturday, August 05, 2006
"A day of boredom will drive one nuts!"
haha.. today better.. at least got something to do.. a few mins later i going to help xll to do his blog.... keke.. then mayb later play game ba... after this i going to Funan IT mall to buy my laptop case.. keke.. so excited to have one real soon.. then i no need to carry the so fat and ugly bag le.. haha... then i need to get a pretty notebook as soon as possible before tml afternoon.. hehe.. its a secret between me and hui san... haha..
Haha.. sounds like mad is getting better today.. she sound so okie so i think shes okie.. haha.. mayb shes pretending.. i don noe.. if in that case.. she shouldnt ba.. but i understand her la.. its like tt de.. don wan ppl to worry so always pretend to be happy lot.. lalalalalalalala... haha..
~minky is out~
Today is really boring that i do not have any inspiration on what quote is today.. lol... anyway i have some cute and nice picture to show.. hehe.. its some items i bought yesterday when hui san went to buy something and it cost me quite alot sia..but its worth.. cos they are cute. =)

Mad...u so good.. can go out.. i so sian.. nv go out.. haha..anyway.. glad you wore my earring today.. not much to talk arz? juz that some idiot trying to agitate you eh? hehe.. its like tt de la.. cannot help.. who ask them so childish? nv grow up.. haha.. juz get on your life and heck care them..
~minky is out~
Friday, August 04, 2006
"After every storm, there will always be a beautiful scene await it to end"
Today's lesson damn damn.. don noe wat to say... LOL.. very lame it is.. very chicken lor.. all of us figure out everything even before 2nd breakout.. so when 2nd breakout we are very slack.. slackest of all.. no need ppt.. eveything is so easy.. aiya.. everyone a le... those never come.. so sad.. cant get the free A..
Mad mad mad.. i bought you a pair of earring.. isnt it a beauty? =) i knew u like it.. cos i noe your wat u like..haha... im gonna buy you a pair of shoes and some clothes.. wow.. i feel so happy.. mayb some video which you would love them for sure.. =)
~minky is out~
Thursday, August 03, 2006
"Friends should accept who they are IF they arent too much"
If you say that we are now juz normal friend when we are best friend at the beggining.. then i think we might as well don be anything.. if friendship are so easily degraded.. then it means its not importance.. sorry to say, you have met the wrong person.. you shouldnt meet me.. cos im cunning and evil.. you see for yourself.. wat have i done? being scolding you like these.. arent u angry or wat? u should u noe.. i don mind if u are.. its simply because eveytime i laid my trust in someone... the person often dissapoint me the most.. i had enough.. this is the most upset thing i ever done.. im very tired right now.. i don wan to care about anything now.. juz let me slide throught the rest of the two weeks and i will be gone.. gone forever.. good bye...
~minky is out~
"Having a friend who care nothing for you is a terrible mistake"
Im not afraid if you saw this.. i noe u i still wan to say.. i cannot do anything to our friendship anymore.. i don wan it to end like this but since you have decided on wat friendship meant to u, i have no comments. I did wat i should do for friendship.. but wat about you? can ou face your conscience by saying you did your best? by telling me that watever you said before u have forgotten and that means it does not count, do you mean that you don follow your promise which might be the stepping stones of our frienship? if one day i am dying in front of you, and a gal infront of you fall down, you would help the gal first... so does this means if i die, it does not matter? i take it as a yes. so i am nothing in your world.. so why muz i take notice of u? as i said before, i will protect myself.. so being protective, i decide to leave you alone.. unless you change to a better person..3 more weeks arz? so be it.. this 3 week we still friend.. but after we change class.. it doesnt matter if we are still friend.. cos u don treasure me, i couldnt make myself to treasure too.. bobian..
Mad... i don noe wat to do.. it seems like you are sad also.. should we comfort each other? should we cry? i really don noe.. its like now im lost in la la land.. noone coming to save me.. even though everything surrounding me is so beautiful.. but yet i cant see them..
~minky is out~
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
"Getting hurt again and again let you learn to protect yourself"
Hey peepz.. if one day im different in someway or somewhat, im sorry.. cause i have to learn how to protect myself.. I wont be like last time anymore.. i won let people bully me anymore.. i will fight back even if it cost my life... i don care...i have been tolerating too much.. i guess noone appreciated wat i have done so far.. so lets face the fact.. getting hurt over and over again is really very emotionally demanding.. i have enough of these... i will be strong again...
Maddy mad! lol... she is soooo funny! i cant believe i have such a good friend.. listen to my problems and helping me.. juz like what i have done.. shes the perfect friend for me.. no one can win her.. even if i am left alone by everyone in the whole world i will still have her.. she will never ever leave me aside.. she will always stay by my side.. as long as im alive, no one can separate me and her.. never ever.. we are too good to be separated.. she will stand by me till the day i die.. tts the truth.. am i glad i have such a good friend.. =)
~minky is out~
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
"Friends are strange creature.. when u started to trust them, they turn their back on you.."
Today ut aiyo.. don noe wat to say... im switzerland.. no comment.. =p..
Stupid idiot.. the one who always TOK nonsense de.. im not afraid if he saw this.. i did nothing wrong lor.. taking off the shirt nia.. as if i like wanted to tear the shirt like tt... wats your problem? anyhow say i make spoilt.. then u teach me how to take off la.. act clever.. think you so loyal to singapore and police then i scared you arz? come catch me la.. come and handcuff me la.. u can i let u do.. im not afraid.. fuck la.. anyway if the shirt is torn, it means the shirt quality is bad ma.. cant blame me rite? i din do it on purpose okie liao.. its not my fault..
haha.. today played TD with ky and mel.. la la la la la la la la .. i won.. haha.. i think i so lucky lor.. phew.. muz train hard on it.. make sure i can survive for 60 lvl.. haha..
I think mad is in trouble.. haha.. something happen that may affect her decision of something.. haha.. relax.. let the time reveal everything... untill the time then u conclude lor.. easy rite? juz relax and enjoy life.. =)
~minky is out~