Friday, September 29, 2006
Today enterprise.. hmmm i got reshuffle into a group with cheryl, kwee mei, yoges and shaun.. then we do do do... then present i accidentally pronouce the word INSURANCE as insaurance.. lol... thn everyone laugh la.. then after i presented, i went toilet and when i come back, i bedn down cos got ppl present ma.. then when i open the door, everyone stop and look at me.. then they all laugh.. like i so lame meh? haha.. i don noe..
After i went to w14p and find joyci, spence.. then doing rj and hui and janis came.. then josh came and johnson too... but then johnson not going and janis walk with us to cwp only... so the rest of us go eat la.. the people eating is me, spence, joyci, hui, josh, hyder and da ge.. haha... quite fun la.. but very smelly.. haha...
The i went to orchard at about 1030 waiting for wanyan and rong qian.. then we went to cwp to meet julian!!! he came back from australia.. haha.. but it was about 11.30 liao.. then they going to watch Rob-B-Hood at 12.35.. but its very late and im tired so i din join.. haiz.. i went back and now im here bloggin!!.. haha..
26 days before a shadow disappear from my inoccent mind...
~minky is out~
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I have written something for somebody who may not be reading this.. but i just wan to say out my feelings.. i cant wthstand the pressure anymore..
I may be your shoes, to keep you walking to the future.
But once im wore out, i serve no use to you and you are ridding me off.
I may be your clothings, to keep you warm from the cold.
But once im torn and tattered, off i go into the dustbin.
What i want you to know is that, friendship is alive.. not dead.
And also everything and matter, is also living alive.
Do treasure things and people around you, for once they re gone, never to come back.
Do not make mistakes like you did to me, and a happy future to you. Cheers.
~minky is gone from your sight~
28 days before a shadow dissapear from my innocent mind. You are the shadow. Im sure you are happy with my decision. So do i. I will never be there to bother u again. You will never see me again. And if u do, i advise u, don tok to me, cos i won.
~minky is out~
Recently my back pain is back. Haiz.. what to do? i cant do anything much la.. then my parents keep asking me go acupunture but i don wan.. its like the feeling of getting needle poke intou is awkward la..
So at night my parents asked me again whether i wan to go anot.. i say don wan and they went off.. but awhile later they called me and ask me to come down straight away cos got tui na.. ( massge the pain) so i was thinking that tui na i can.. but not the needle.. so i went down and went into the room.. i saw my mum laughin and smiling but i din care much.. when i went in, the doctor asked me alot of qns and then after that he ask me to lie on the bed.. and then after that he started taking out the needles.. so i was kinda shocked and asked why is it acupunture instead of tui na.. the doctore told me " no no no.. here don have tui na one.. only accupunture available." and so.. i was very angry.. its like.. at the very last min i still don noe that im been fooled la.. idiot lor.. so i juz went through the pain and after that went back home and don wanna tok to my parents.. i juz locked myself in my room and blogging and listen to music..
i noe they are for my good.. but why they bluff me? cant they wait till there is tui na available? why muz forced someone to be poked with needles? its NEEDLES.. not NEEDLE.. 5 needles into my waist.. u think leh?
28 days before a shadow dissapears from my innocent mind...
~minky is out~
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Yoz.. this is the lyric for the song that is played now and then.. =) nice song.. rea the lyrics.. its nice too.
I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why.
Without you it's hard to survive.
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
I need you by my side.
Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so.
I can't let you go.
I want you in my life.
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry.
The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
I need you by my side.
Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go.
I want you in my life.
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast.
I want this to last.
I need you by my side.
29 days before a shadow dissapear from my innocent mind.
~minky is out~
I have so much fun in my new class la.. but i still love w16f.. where i can be as free as i want.. as lively as i could. =) so far..
Today had problem solving.. so its quite complicated la.. about elements.. be it fire water air wind and earth.. or be it periodic table.. it is definitely going to drive me mad with those Holism and Atomism!!
Went breakfast with johnson, janis, hui and dessie.. Then lunch went to eat with johnson, janis, hui, dessie, joyci, spence and minli. Haha.. when dessie came, he was like shooting a MTV la.. so funny..
After school i went to W14P which is my sister, Joyci, de class.. help her with the blog thingy.. haha.. but im sorry cos i did nth.. then went home with spence and joyci and then i ask joyci to see the last sentence b4 ~minky is out~ and must noe how to interpret it.. so here it is..
29 days before a shadow dissappear from my innocent mind...
~minky is out~
Monday, September 25, 2006
haha.. today was about science.. so complicated.. so i team up with jesslyn, kwee mei, lu yang and jarrett.. and we all was there laughing and playing all times la.. aha.. simply becos.. we don really worry about the workload... we have 10 ppt to refer to.. isnt that good? awww.. come on.. jealous of us.. wahaha.. anyway.. our faci was like so many question la.. so difficult somemore.. i mean sooo many scientific terms.. haha.. anyway i found something..
Cholesterol helps improving memories as well as the ability to understand things. So.. conclusion.. FAT people are more clever than THIN people!! ahaha...
Cholesterol is divided into 2 parts. The HDL (High density lipoproteins) and the LDL (Low density lipoproteins). So.. the HDL is the good cholesterol whereas the LDL is bad ones. and LDL is acquired through dietary comsumption and it is stored as fats.
HDL is produced in our liver and it helps remove LDL as well as preventing the chances of heart attack which is caused by LDL.
so.. this means, fat people is not always clever! wahaha
okie.. so lame rite? haha
~minky is out~
Friday, September 22, 2006
Seeing a happily couple playing with their new-born baby juz make me feel very happy. I juz love to see ppl finding the correct partner and having children to take care and be resposible for. I suppose thats what i wan.. a happy family. I would choose family rather than career.
Cloud to me is gentle yet strong. It can be just a bunch of mist holding on together, it can be as black as it is to strike a lightning. Its unpredictable to what it is now. Thats why i love cloud.
~minky is out~
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
A day in UBIN! haha..
Have you wonder why today i din go online? cos i went to PULAU UBIN! haha.. with mummy rong qian, jasper and jiasin.. haha.. so fun.. was a blast man.. and boy.. its terribly tiring.. i shall exhibit some pictures here.. aha.. rong qian.. wan pic take from here.. haha..
There! this is mummy.. she soo fat!! =p.. jk
And this is rongqian.. she soo zhuai hor? lol..
Yea and we reach UBIN!! haha..
We riding bic.. haha
SOOOOOO muddy.. cause my shoe so dirty..
Yea.. and we going back le.. hahasoo tiring..
Me and RQ
Me mummy and RQ
Our name engraved on the sand!
So thats all ba.. haha
~minky is out~
Sunday, September 17, 2006
today morning wake up go eat breakfast.. was sooo excited cos im getting my hair cut.. then after that i went to the barber and told him to cut my side burn, back and halfside of my fringe short, and the top of my hair short short.. so i tot he get wat i mean.. and so he cut and he eventually cut my back very very damn short.. then my sideburn was like nv existed, and the top of my hair only cut abit.. its like.. im going to cry sia.. haiz.. and it look like this..
damn ugly rite? like i bai chi like tt..
so my friends and family ask me go back cut i go back and he cut shorter at the top and my fringe trim abit and it become this.. its better la.. at least..
this is better rite? haha.. phew.. at least it looks good..
~minky is out~
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wa seh.. today morning damn damn busy!! About 7.30, i was woken by my dad.. he called me cos he forgot to take his company key with him, and he wan me to bring it to yew tee.. so i woke up and go tidy myself before going out then he called and he was at chua cho kang le.. so fast.. then he say nvm meet at admiralty then.. so i went there and pass him the key and i come back trying to sleep.. i can sleep de.. but then my mom la.. go and call me wake up go yishun eat breakfast.. so i go lor.. haiz.. then finish le i came back i tidy my hamster de cage.. 3 cage for goodness sake.. haha.. one is enuff le.. still 3.. so i finish le i go bath and did a floor plan of my house.. take a look at it ba.. haha
I draw myself one hor.. don play play!
There.. some pictures of my house.. =p
Nice? very untidy i noe.. haha..
5 more days.. =s
Dahei i love you *Muacks*
~minky is out~
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hey hey.. haha.. i found something nice.. see if you can read this! you might seen this somewhere but try it again. i suppose u already forgotten it!
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs!
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Fun huh? lol..
Wan to see if you are stress? try this!
So does your pictures moving fast or slow? keke.. mine is slow.. but of course isnt it? im always that matter how..
Wanna see my virgin comic collection? here it is!
One Piece! haha..
Im going to describe the 7 one piece characters! According to me,
Luffy: Childish but have big ambition. No leadership at all but yet sometimes very smart.
Zoro: Lazy, determined, does not give up easily. Gong gong de like sotong.
Nami: Money minded, very clever and very best navigation skills.
Usopp: Clever and creative. Coward and good at lieing.
Sanji: Weak against women. Very biased but is a good cook. Helps anyone who is hungry.
Chopper: Naive, cute. Good doctor. Tend to forget things at times.
Robin: Perfect women. Calm and relax at all times. Ambition is simple yet difficult to achieve. Obeservant.
haha.. yea.. thats all.. haha..
~minky is out~
Be it physically or metally. Be it emotionally or juz name it.. im juz too tired.. really tired. i don noe wat happen to me. It seems a day without school with RP or W16F, i feel sian 1/2. Im now struggling a boring life. Im like drowning in the river or boredom. Bits of branches kept me from drowning yet. Those are friends who i go out with, friends who play games with me and friends who chat with me. Sooner or later, i still drown.. haha..
PICTURES TIME! .. pictures of my good old class.
This is my whole class.
Last communication lesson. Not all present.. =(
This is our class T. OBVIOUS it belong to me. =p
This is me and my Cherry Girl, Cheryl! haha..
Anyway.. plz support this story.. haha.. its a story written by my friend Miluku aka Sarah lim. haha.. plz Peng2 Chang3 abit.. haha.. thanks. comment oso.
~minky is out~
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Hilarious!! Its too hilarious.. haha.. and now i will tell u why..
Same morning.. everything same.. haiz.. boring! haha.. then miluku online.. tok to her.. and she say she wan to watch Little Man. so we decided to watch 5.25 one.. and i reach her home about 3.30 cos she request me to help her with the blog.. im arent any pro.. but im better than ordinary ppl.. haha..=p thick skin sia me.. okok. so my reason there is to teach her how to make a blog.. so its rather simple isnt it? keke.. so we spend our time and brain cells (hers more than mine XD) and then at 5, we set off.. taking mrt to cwp and buy our tickets.. so on and so forth.. nth much here.. the hilarious part is next..
Little man is damn damn NC 16 one.. haha.. talking about private parts stuff.. so the cashier ask for IC from the both of us.. we were kinda shocked cos we tot its M18 or so.. din notice much.. so i ask issit NC16? and she say yes.. so we heave as we took out our POLY ezlink.. haha.. so the movie is damn funny.. and abit touching at the back.. too bad.. it isnt touching till where.. no much touching unless i cry.. ?? wat am i toking about? oh gosh.. keke.. but really.. i recommend u guys (IF YOU CAN) to watch it.. keke.. nice nice..
~minky is out~
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thanks Wei Shan and Wei Bin for the yummy filling dinner! haha.. went to bukit timah avenue 6 or 6th ave and meet up chewyMummy then we walk to Simply Bread the shop where we look for our two friend for dinner! The place was so silent sia.. except the Jay Chou new album de song played in the shop cafe.. haha.. only see 2 teen studying and one careerwoman sitting there reading newspaper.. then me and mummy sit down there wait for the two dumb dumb to notice us.. so they took about 10 min to realised our presence.. haha.. woot! both of us like VIP sia.. haha. ppl walk up to them to order food.. but wat we experienced is they walk up to us providing the menu and ask wat we wan.. keke.. ah bin.. thank you thank you.. haha..
so i order don noe wat GHC.. something like that ba.. if not wrong then is Grill Ham and Cheese ba.. haha.. cost 7.95 or so.. forgot le..why notice the price? free de ma.. keke =p .. then mummy order chicken salad which cost 6.95... then i wanted ice lemon tea de.. but then shan ask me to drink canned drink... so i accept lor.. then that bin suddenly pop up and ask me to try the ice chocolate.. haha.. say he make for me.. so i juz say "shui bian la.." haha.. since its free why fussy? =p..
The bread is damn full man.. i hungry then still cannot eat finish.. haiz.. forgot to take photo.. sian.. keke.. MAYB if wed i go again i take.. =p.. oh for your info.. i not so thickskin hor.. go eat free thing.. haha.. its bin ask me go de.. don believe i give u prove.. ask me for la la la.. anyway thanks alot la.. thanks to mummy if she nv go i may not go.. thanks to bin and shan for the free dinner haha..
~minky is out~
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Hey.. my dad force me to sleep yesterday at 12.. sian.. have to sleep so early.. cos he say morning 7 will wake me up.. so i go sleep..dreaming start to take place..
I dreamed that im myself, juz that i have a new ability.. Gomu Gomu Fruit ability.. which is to say im a rubberman, juz like luffy.. then i was eating my lunch in a inn, got one fat lady (i suppose is none other than alvida) she came and interupt me.. so she told me she gain stronger and she trick me cos she pretend using her ability which she said " Gomu Gomu No.." then i close my eyes and hide under the table.. lol... then i went outside to fight her and she finally show herself out.. her ability is any part of herself can curl up and catch ppl lor(hmm.. something like Hina but then i think is different) .. i wanted to bazooka her but too late.. cos my rubber need stretching first ma.. so i no time to attack but to avoid.. haha.. okie.. i noe this is lame.. but im dreaming ma.. haha..
after this dream, i woke up becos its really very nervous and exciting.. so i look at the time and u noe wat? its 9.30 liao.. my dad trick me sia.. haha
This is wat i have for lunch.. yummy..
Sushi handmade by my mom!! haha.. consist of Crabmeat, hotdog, jap cucumber and egg and some the egg contain menthol.. cos my mom is coughin so the menthol can treat coughing.. haha.. wierd ingredient rite? but nice leh..
so thats all.. going off to watch one piece video again..
10 days to nighmare.. T_T
~minky is out~
Here is the third quiz i did.. its easy la.. one additional qns is not counted into the percentage.. haha..
Part 3:
~minky is out~
Friday, September 08, 2006
Yesterday 12.30 sleep.. today 8 wake up.. cos i meeting guan soon at yishun to take the One Piece Playstation disc to play keke.. then my mom and dad oso going yishun to eat so we three go together lor.. so when we reach yishun, my mom and dad went off to meet one auntie to eat then i wait for gs to come down.. he always so late de.. keke.. becos of his hair.. he complain too ugly.. okie wat.. not really ugly ma.. haha.. then we went to eat mac and so one.. then i went home with my parents and reach home about 10.30..
i strat to play element td with gs but stupid household chores.. make me cannot play liao.. then i go do do do lor.. la lala la la al.. oh ya.. then i wanted to try the game i borrow from gs but omg.. i accidentally broke it sia.. sorry gs.. don mean it.. and u can trust it.. cos.. I DIN EVEN PLAY THE GAME ABIT!! omg.. sian.. my one piece.. T_T
Oh.. forgot to tell u guys, my xiao bai is taken away le.. to put to sleep.. T_T.. i oso agree like tt do.. no choice.. i don wan it to suffer anymore.. i really love that ham ham.. she is the one that only let me carry her, my family cannot touch her de.. she will bite.. only me she wont.. wa seh.. now like that say i wan to cry le.. *sobSOb*..
Now going to nap le.. so early wake up.. haiz.. then wake up need go to guitar le.. haiz..
cya.. bye..
Visit its my shared blog.. visit leh.. tag oso.. thanks
11 days to nightmare =S
~minky is out~
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Here i got one story funny.. its a man from singapore who can use numbers to make a story.. from 1-10 and somemore 10-1.. clever.. its hilarious too.. read it!
Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1.This is what he came up with..... 1 day I go 2 climb a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rushed out and wanted to 5 with me. I ran until I fell 6 and threw up. So I go into 7-eleven and grabbed some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab at him. 10 goodness he run away. 10 I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7-eleven. Next day I called my boss and told him I was 6. He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asked me to go climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand. I am so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.
~minky is out~
Now holiday so sian sia.. haiz.. nth to do.. but today went out with wan ning to cwp to run errand for my sis.. haha.. we ate lunch at mos burger then went shopping for about 3hr.. siao one.. la la la la la la la..
Hey i got two quiz here.. plz take them if you are free.. thanks!
The first one:
The second one:
12 more days to nightmare
~minky is out~
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Hey my blog readers.. do visit this blog oso.. haha.. its another of my blog.. a shared one with my friend. hehe..
Its a blog by two animal. One is Monkey another is Unicorn. So thanks for the support and cya.. nice day ahead!
~minky is out~
Haha,.. today had pinic with some known and unknown friends. Simplified leh.. is with Hong Hwee, En Ci, Li Ting. These 3 i know de.. Then who i nv met is Xiao Hui and Felicia. One more is Tabitha but she nv come.. cos got sore throat.. haha.
quite fun actually, playing lame games like true or dare, i dare and poker cards. The food was yummy! haha.. and me and li ting was like so bored cos we din go play sand. Then we keep calculating love life with this and that person using the cards.
hahah.. so thats all ba.. mayb i forgot somethings.. haha.. cya..

Clockwise starting from me : Me, Liting, HongHwee, Enci, XiaoHui, Felicia.
~minky is out~
Sunday, September 03, 2006
"You need parents when at home but you need friends when you are outside." -Bon Clay
Yoz!! im back man!! keke.. 3 days 2 night is damn fast man.. anyway.. who going to genting next time remember.. DO NOT EVER STAY IN FIRST WORLD HOTEL!! mark my words.. cos.. the hotel there at tower 1 is damn small..last time i stay b4.. not good.. the toilet small untill cannot squeeze 2 person.. then at tower 2 which i lived this time.. its improved.. but.. i din say its improved alot.. keke.. understand? aiya.. anyway don expect too much from it.. its only a 3 star hotel ma.. keke..
I din do anthing there.. din play theme park, arcade, bowling, pool, watever shit i never do.. only watch 2 movie in 1 day.. keke.. i watched snakes on the plane and monster house. Monster house is okie la.. but snakes on the plane is. OMG.. its damn gross lor.. don watch if you cannot take it.. plz... haha.. i was there closing my eyes but my sis more worst.. she alot of part nv see.. let me say a quite okie scene.. a man was panicking and fell down.. then alot of ppl rushing through and one lady wearing high heel stepped on his ear and the heel penetrated his ear.. is it gross? there are even more gross than that.. so don watch..
I bought 600g of famous amos cookies!! keke.. nice sia.. and also the sour plus sweets.. nicey! and also bought mouse pad, hp strip, hp case and also the pin that we normally place on the bad cover.. haha..
17 more days...
~minky is out~