This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Today went to halloween day with qiuling, pei jun and wan yan.
Its was not good.. Only collected one..
But i meant it for HER.
Sorry it was just a sweet.
I promise next time would be more than just a sweet. =)
~minky left~
Monday, October 30, 2006
After a moments of trembling, i finally took the first step onto the hard platform of a straight road.
With the help of jess ( my motivator) rudy ( the stop watch) and jia en ( the kaypo =p) i am happy now..
Hope everything will be fine.. I will treasure.. i promise.. for this is the 1st time. mark my words. =)
~minky left~
Konnichiwa! Yesterday cant blog.. stupid blogger.. haha.. anyway.. last sat i went to GCMA ( Global Chinese Music Award) and took lots of pics! haha... it was my sis de friend Yiling she got the tickets from the participation of Lux contest and won herself two tickets. then my sis cannot go so i go with her. Pictures time!
This is the red carpet.
This is the stage
See those glittering of lights? Beautiful..
The stage is so nice!
Saw hebe there playing with those things? haha..
~minky left~
Friday, October 27, 2006
Ahh.. so funny... im the idol today.. kinda japanese pop star.. lol.. sorry that i made u puke.. Gomenasai!
then we did some photo shooting for my album... haha wan to see? don be shocked.. its ugly.. ahh!!
Wa.. so emo..
This is ugly.. the eyes and nose so ugly!!
My album is Emotional Elmo. haha.. And im the singer of course.. my name is Minky Hamasaki.. Yes.. Ayumi Hamasaki is my sis. Here is the pic of my album..
This is the Front Cover..
This is back cover.
Thanks for the good job done by Vivian.. haha.. make me untill so nice.. =p Bleah!
~minky left~
Thursday, October 26, 2006
What i have learnt today:
- The way i treat friendship is way too much for a couple to take it. So i guess i have to start to learn how to survive without friends. Gambate minky!
- When someone is coaxing you, she/he will splurt out good things for the sake of doing it.
- When you are talkative, even if you did not do/say anything wrong, people will eventually hate you.
- When someone told you they are fine, they are not. Please do not ever think that they will share their true feelings easily to you.
- When people ask u to be serious, and you did, they slack.
Thats all. Everyday, there is something to add on to my saddness. one day i might just burst out. Don be too surprise then.
~minky left~
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Woots! back from a day in sentosa! we went to siloso beach and had fun!! here are some pics..
There we are.. lol.. wet.. going to bath le.
Wanyan and Qiuling
Qiuling and me
Wanyan and me
Wanyan, Qiuling and me
Yummy! our late lunch at 5p.m
Look thos bangala! they are huggin each other very tightly! gays!
~minky left~
Not going to Vivo city anymore.
Reason is because too many people.
But decided to go sentosa to play.
Along with wan yan and qiu ling.
Hope its fun.
Off i go now to prepare.
~minky left~
Monday, October 23, 2006
Today only 15 ppl come. After first breakout, it left only 14. The one left is kinda sick due to a migrain and nauseous. That person is...
I was feeling well in the morning.
Reach school exactly at 8.30a.m
Discussing the problem and my eyes start to see stars.
Went first breakout and it seems that james is my cure for the starry eyes.
But start to have headache.
Rudy kind enuff to help me massge hand.
Cheryl thoughful enough to provide me panadol.
Everyone start to ask me whether i need to go home.
I reply them i just need to rest.
But seems im wrong.
I cant stand the pain.
Faci came back and i went off.
Reach home and rush to toilet to vomit.
My whole body is full of sweat.
Slept for 2.5 hours.
Now 9 p.m le still having headache.
Given that i ate 2 more panadol at 4.30.
Miss Tomato!! hows my summarising skills? very funny leh.. like weird statement.. bleah..
~minky left~
Sunday, October 22, 2006
HeyO!!! i cant sleep la.. thus i decided to draw something! it isnt well drawn.. but well.. it took me only one hour or less to finish it.. lets see it!
This is the original one..
This is the drawn one.. not nice sia.. =(
This is the coloured one.. =)
A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a high forehead and very cleaver. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, a very fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast and very talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he start talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth.
He likes to cut his hair short and he is very athletic. He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is "Fast" or nearly call "Hyperactive" . He has a long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as if he is trying to grab something. He is the type who will write or scribble on paper, he never stay still.
His hair always well comb or neat. He will spent a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicure clean. He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will love him. He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throw away even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He get bored easily with his favorite cloths , cologne. He is very picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend or same scent.
If you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to? He change his mind as fast as he change a new pairs of shoes. He can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand it's contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac.
Those in red one is true for me.. especially the one red and bold.. miss tomato.. remeber that? its damn true lor.. i recieved this email.. and its really really true.. don you all think so?
~minky left~
Konnichiwa!! Nihongo Wakarimasu ka? haha.. i translate for u. " Hello!! Do you understand Japanese?" lol..
Today such a boring day.. watch finish Carcaptor Sakura (CCS) le.. so sad.. i wan season 2 leh.. don noe where to find. so i watch movie instead.. i mean CCS one.. haha..
Promise Yunying to update today... eh? now only 10.30.. haha.. still make it on time.. =p!! haha
i went to eat pizza at pizza hut. Ate beef lasagne, hawaiian pizza and aloha... huts platter and cream of mushroom.. don like the soup though.. hmmm..
im currently into japanese language.. so anyone out there who know can teach me please? Onegaishimasu! Arigatou Gozaimasu! : "Please! Thank you!"
School tomorrow!!! So happy!! Yabate! Yukai!
~minky left~
Friday, October 20, 2006
yesterday went to meet up with merc!! heard shes going to married on 12 of december!! yippe... so happy for her and ridden... lol..
anyway tml going to sakura at somerset.. so excited and looking forward!!!! and theres one special guest going oso.. guess who is it?? Its our Mr Biscuit!!! hes a nice faci.. but so harsh.. i got 3 C and 1 B from him lor.. =( must buck up sia.. haha... anyway he so sporty la.. we all thought that he will so busy that he won go.. but then he accept the "invitation" LOL.. thanks mr biscuit!! W34D love u la.. *muacks.. opps.. sorry vivian.. oh hoohoh..
~minky left~
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
:~ Happy Belated Birthday to MERC !! ~:
haha.. her birthday was yesterday.. so sad.. only get to sms her.. but well.. there is actually a dinner with her tonight but guess she couldnt make it and so it was changed to tml instead.. hope that tml will really see her!! i really long time never see her le.. miss her so much.. for your info, shes my colleague and she taught me how to be a cashier and although shes fierce and im abit afraid of her, shes a nice person and funny girl.. =)
anyway sorry about the last update.. im busying making the new blog called the 3 little pigg which is jess (pigg jie jie), me ( pigg gor gor) and yy ( pigg mei mei) haha.. so do visit us here.. www.pigslalaland.blogspot.com . Im busy oso because of the audition.. im trying my best to get lots of exp so i can catch up with jia en and yy.. haha..peeps!! wait for me la!! hur hur
~minky left~
Saturday, October 14, 2006
~~ Happy birthday Wei Ting!! ``*
haha... today went out at 1.30 to meet qiuling at cwp to go ngee ann poly.. sorry jess... din noe u wan to jio me out.. >.<...
so we went to np and reach there about 2.30 and waited till 6.. can u believe it? haha.. anyway... we plan that after her cca at about 5, the vice president would scold her and some ppl ( these ppl are purposely got scolded) then when wei ting is sad or crying, we ( the sec school friends) will come out from the behind and tap her shoulders to console her, and she of course will turn her head and she got surprise.. then when she "EH?" we all stand up and sing her song.. she was crying la.. haha.. very touching eh?
then after that we went to cineleisure and and have suki ramen.. there are 10 of us.. haha.. so we eat le then go home.. that weishan is a joker la.. so childish.. keep playing and playing.. the train all looking at us.. so paiseh.. haha
I took back the words and promises i've made in your birthday card and the back of the puzzle..
~minky left~
Friday, October 13, 2006
Today morning as usual.. meet jess at woodlands mrt..wats more different is yun ying (yy) is meeting us too! haha..
then the whole day is erm... okie lor.. took some pics and one with a special person.. haha.. i shall post the pictures here...
Me and yy..
Me and rudy.
yy, me, jess and rudy.. Do Re Mi...
Jess, Me, Jacob and yy.
went to kbox with jess and yy. jess sing very good. yy sing very soft. i sing 2 songs nice only.
okok... above paragraph is crap.. haha.. thats wat jess predict i would say in my blog.. but this is wat i really wan to say though..
after school, went to kbox with jess and yy.. we decided to go somerset cineleisure... then we sing sing sing.. woots! jess sing nice leh.. and yy sing very soft lor.. cannot hear properly.. haha.. but very sweet la.. then i sing like kanasai la. but then jess and yy say i say how do i live very nice.. i wonder why......
im tired.. going to sleep le.. nights..
~minky left~
Thursday, October 12, 2006
ROar!!! Learned it from yy.. keke.. so fun.. audition is fun. for your information.. my nick is ZoRobin, yunying is boobii, jia en is chizo and rudy is meow. i shall post some pictures here...

So im sure you can see yourself.. haha.. nice game... go visit here.. www.auditionsea.com
~minky left~
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Im so happy... cos i actually give myself one month to get rid of shadow.. but then i totally forgot le.. hohoho.. so i decided not to countdown or something... im free atlas!!
now having culture.. reading arts.. haha.. talking about mona lisa.. she so poor thing.. kana tease by my classmate. show u the pics.. haha
This is the original Art.
This one is fat.. my class say she sit there nv excrcise then become fat.. hur hur.
This one say her eyes got infection.. LOL
This one say the skin peeling off.. so my faci say "poor mona lisa"...hehe
Okie.. thats it.. nth else..
~minky is out~
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I reach home about 4.30 and then the Television that has been with us in the living room for 7 yr is going to be sold. To cash Converter... here is the pic..
My tv!!
Closer view..
There! the 2 ppl at the side is cash converter.. and the middle is my mom..
anyway.. pics of my dinner!!!
Sushi!! haven cut yet..
me eating one of it.. cos that one seaweed not enough then cannot wrap.. so i eat first.. haha
The cut ones.. and the wasabi sauce.. YUmmy..
16 days.. its getting nearer..
~minky is out~
P.S: the dancing pictures will be out soon!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Today not my day.. maths so confusing.. as if i am going to open a fishing farm issit? lame la.. i don wan to make my life so miserable due to the many calculations.. but i have to say sorry to jess and james for "tolerating" my slackness.. Gomenasai! anyway.. im not being lame by asking that we should assume that the fishes did not reproduce as it might affect the population of the fishes.. cos im that kind of person don think much about what im going to say de.. so i just say out and SOMEONE idiot go and scold me fuck.. fine.. im alrite.. but its your problem if u cant tolerate me.. i will confess if im being lame but i really think that its alrite wat.. la la la la..
so i decided not to present.. cos i din do anything ma..( oh except i brought my calculator that most ppl had used it.. so its useful hohoho) so wat for i present.. like so bu hiao bai like tt.. go and steal ppl de gong lao.. and also i guess my ex classmate know my " Strange habit" that i will suddenly don wan to talk. i mean i will suddenly choose not to talk no matter what.. even someone beside me i will still use msn to communicate.
anyway there is 2 thing that make me feel better today.. the first thing is JOYCI.. she send me this pic that cheer me up .. thanks dearie joyci.. Doumo.. =)
its miie and joyci.. i so ugly.. and funny.. haha..
my mom going to make sushi tonight yummy!!! im hungry now liao.. keke.. she brought wasabi and the soy sauce and yippe.. going to have feast tonight.. i shall post the pic of sushi tonight.. anyway i now in class.. really don wan to do anything so i just blog.. haha..
~~** Happy Birthday Shaun! **~~
16 days left.. nearer.. nearer..
~minky is out~
my sore throat is back again!! argh.. so painful and irritating..
today science. My group which consist of Jesslyn, Kwee mei and Lu yang, are doing different things as the other 4 group.. special hor? ohhohoho.. no la.. just that they are doing the problem statement. while my group did worksheet qns 7 and 8 which is damn diffcult to understand.. so can u believe that my group did two question only but took longer time than the other group??? lol... anyway. without the help of teacher i think we would die liao..
went to see chinese doctor.. ate the medicine liao.. should be okie ba.. although im having slight headache too.. haiz!! so xin ku..
17 days.. yippe!
~minky is out~
Sunday, October 08, 2006
im sick la.. sian.. got sore throat and flu.. *Ah choo!* boo hoo.. so awkward la.. but then gets better after i ate *Panadol Cold Relief* and went to nap.. woke up at 4 and find that my throat is better le.. thank god la.. anyway.. PSI is not a joke.. theres some freako sicko like so happy there is PSI.. this stupid PSI is causing alot of ppl sick la.. i hate it man.. i don wan sick.. cos i love schooL!!
I changed blogskin!! haha..
18 days.. its getting nearer..
~minky is out~
Friday, October 06, 2006
Today is a great day man!... haha.. yesterday oso.. lets talk about yesterday ba.. my class hor.. always tease me.. like my group that travis go and purposely put my name " minky is pinky" then change the colour pink and make it big big.. outstand the others. so paiseh la.. then that asri de group.. also come and make me.. they put their one of the references " www.minkypedia.org" that one is LOL la..
Today. I was group with travis and three other people.. but the three people never come.. so me and travis have to split. so at first i was split to shaun and vivian and hazrin de group.. and travis to rudy, jia en and kwee mei. The i object saying i wan the opposite way which is i go rudy there travis go shaun there..haha... the reason why, i guess some of them noe.. haha..
Then that jia en hor.. keep "bullying" me la.. keep scolding me.. ToT.. haha.. then after that i found that i like so pervert la.. but actually not la.. its just that i like the smell of perfume of jess only.. and i lie that i always go near her becos i wan to smell.. its just that she and i the closest in class then when i nth to do i will go find her rite.. ahha.. one more thing to laugh.. that james hor.. FUNNY LA.. i wanted to play trick on rudy.. he nv kana..so i no confident but still wan play.. so i go test james.. and u know wat? he kana my trick LOL.. he damn paiseh la.. then when i got one more trick, i play with him.. he kana again! damn funny la hes expression.. those blur blur de.. and also he once sit like uncle ( somemore he todaty wear shorts) then i keep calling him coffeeshop uncle.. KEKE.. then i got some more trick wan to play on him he scared liao.. he don wan play.. LOL..
When presenting, we talk about japan fashion show and found that jacob is 25 yrs old. haha.. he keep saying he young.. he wan to be in the age group of youth between 15 to 25.. but when someone say 25 not inside he go and protest.. lol.. he funny la.. ad blur blur like sotong.. then jarrett oso funny.. he say " age 21 to 25 de got money becos they no family..." LOL.. we all laugh la.. cos its like.. when u reach 21, all your family member all die.. LOL.. okok.. then he say why untill 25 becos ppl 60 yrs old could not be seen wearing J fashion thingy... and that idiot jacob go and pull me in saying " we shall see when minky reach 60 will he stil wear that" ahhh crap..
So i went home with jess.. there i mention u! =p.. actually i infront mention u liao.. then i chat with u and since u say i will mention u " today i went home with jess" so i decide to include.. wahaha..
Shadow.. u will be freed in 20 days...
~minky is out~
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Shadow.. you are the first one who scold me when im new to rp, and also the first one im close with.. you are the one i talk to most, you are the one i trusted most. To think that such a great friendship would ever become this pathetic finishing way. I don wan this to happen, but it just cant help it rite? actually i understand your feeling.. i don wan to force you.. its your choice whether you still treat me as a friend or not.
Mayb i just have to pretend that the $60 plus birthday present is a farewell gift for you. Mayb i just think that its juz a nightmare that now i have woke up from it and start afresh. Your stupid face and name, handphone number juz couldnt let me off. they keep appearing in my mind like some valuable memory, but they are not!
21 days left... after 21 days, you will no longer know this evil, cunning minky. Or should i say, i will never ever remember the stubborn gaming gentleman, SHADOW.
~minky is out~
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
hey hey hey!! so long din update.... sorry arz.. my bloggy fans.. =p.. haha.. i think today i going to do some bits of appraisal.. =)
Jesslyn - You are the first one i talk to.. haha.. u are george bush while im pierre png.. rite? lol..
Kweemei - Yoz Keke.. lol..i noe u through the keke thingy.. haha.. u give me those close friend feeling..
Jarrett - to be frank.. i find that u are very zhuai at first.. and i don dare to talk to u.. but after the first lesson of science, i think u are good! haha..
Asrii - hey.. coola.. u so friendly.... somemore help me with that issue.. thanks alot arz..
Rudy - haha.. your name is the first one i remember.. cos its wierd.. Rudy Ivan Juri.. hehe..
Yoges - at first i find that u are a bit crazy... but actually its not that.. u are very active and interactive..
Oswind - my pri school friend!! haha.. glad that u are in the same class as me. =)
James - i knew the first day that u smoked.. cos i overheard your phone conversation.. komenasen..(sorry)
Hazrin - haha.. i tot u are chinese!!! but then i was wondering if u are malay.. haha..
Cheryl - u are so quiet.. wa.. then that time u say " so u saying im short la.." i tot u angry sia.. i so scared.. first day make ppl angry.. tsk tsk tsk.. haha
Vivian - i first day think that u are so zhuai la.. give that kind of attitude like so heck care.. haha.. but i din noe u are so funny.. haha.. ah lian ah ma.. =p
okie thats all... haha..
22 days b4 you are gone...
~minky is out~
Monday, October 02, 2006
Dahei.. you have created a very very big impact on me.. it is undescribable good. You never bite, you never attack. You always there when we play with you. You always listen to us, and we adore u much. Being me and my sis alarm clock, but juz there to play with us and wake us up. No matter where are you now. Even though i could not make it to see you the very last time. I juz wan to say to you.. I LOVE YOU.
Though you are a hamster, but you seems to me a human.
Talking to you, playing with you, i am happy.
The bad and the good times, i will shared with you.
Becos you are a part of my family, part of my life.
I love to kiss you, you return it through your cold nose.
But i don mind, cos i noe u know.
Though we are physically seperated, im sure you are still with me.
You can never be replaced, you are never be gone.

Da hei, can you do me a favor? Could you please bring my regards to your son who has gone to the place you are going now for the past 1 yr plus? And also could you appeared in my dreams tonight? for i wan to thank you personally. I miss you..
24days b4 you are gone, shadow..
~minky is out~