Another ship that nearly collide with ours.

Anne, wei and aunt(wei mum).

The tallest building in penang.
We went around walk walk.. then went to eat Asam Laksa.. damn nice la.. haha.. i bought a new hat. Very nice..

Nice rite? haha.. There after we went to temple.. then alot of places and its time for dinner... we went to a open space near the beach.. then got damn lots of stall selling food.. and we ate there.. very nice.. haha

Anne mom, wei, mom, aunt, me, anne and uncle
We went back to hotel and rest.. its a tired day after all. The next day we had to wake up early cos we setting off the ipoh.
Day 4 Thurs 14th Dec
So we went to anne grandparent house again.. to bid goodbye. Theres one small kid thats very cute.. shes a child babysitted by anne's shen shen( uncle wife).

Cute hor?
She love me loads la.. others wan to play with her she don wan.. but she come looking for me to play.. when they going off, others ask her to kiss them she don wan.. so they tried to ask her come and kiss me, she came! haha..
then me,mom dad aunt and uncle went to wait for the coach while anne, wei, anne mom and dad drive their car there.. since there is only one car.
We reached ipoh! haha.. so we waited for anne mom de 6th sis and bro( anne mom is the eldest) to fetch us to 6th aunt de house(empty.. she doesnt live there.. she bought it but din live in it). We going to live in this house for 2 nights. Tonight and the day after tomorrow night. Tomorrow we going to cameron stay. A travia for u guys!
As u noe wei is my 4th aunt de son. So im his cousin rite? Anne is wei's wife. Anne's 7th aunt is called Seesee. She's me and wei de 1st aunt son de wife. So simply, Anne's 7th aunt is me and wei de cousin-in-law. And so anne had two ways of calling her. One is Aunt. Another is cousin-in-law. LOL.. Very complicated eh? haha..


Dining table

Living room

My, dad and mom room ( 3 rooms altogether)


Stairs to second floor( rooms)
Anyway, 6th aunt and her husband and their kid ( a boy age only about 10 or so who they say very ai mei.. anyway his hair is dye gold.) came to fetch us to dinner with ah po( which is wat i called anne's grandma(mom side)). Not knowing whos going there.. we went aboard. And u noe what? i went aboard a SCHOOL BUS! haha..
Anyway.. when i reach there, u noe what? i kana shocked! haha.. cos at first im dissapointed rite? but alas! god is taking good care of me.. he let me have to chance to see him again... more to come up at the 6th day! haha..

There this photo i took specially for him.. keke..

I am seated right opposite him.. haha..
Anyway my mom intereacted with him alot.. like help him refill drinks la, chat with him la.. and i found out that he arrived on 13th night.. he slept at 5th aunt(sitting beside him) de house.. and somemore 5th aunt lived at the tallest flat in ipoh. she lived at 20th floor. She has two kid. One is the one in grey. another is the one in purple.
Name: David Teo
Age: 18
Currently waiting for ITE results that is suppose to be out in mid december and wanted to go Singapore Polytechnic since he heard the Chemical Engineering there is good.
Aftermath, we went back to rest. But me, wei playing poker.. chua dai dee.. haha.. loser had to do 10 sit up or 5 push up. haha..
Interesting event
Tonight.. there is three room. One room which is occupied by anne and wei( on the single bed) and anne mom and dad ( on a mattress). On the other hand, u saw the pic rite? my room. with me and dad and mom. There is one more room which is used by my aunt and uncle. And its air- conditional. So i went to sleep there. HEre is the worst thing. My uncle hor.. snore untill like no hell and heaven. I cant sleep la.. but when i finally sleep, i woke up again!.. it happen lots of times.. i no choice but to return to my room.. though no more place for me to squeeze, i squeeze into their middle. My mom say she go in sleep. And u noe what? 10 min later, she rush out.. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL.. the three of us laugh untill cannot sleep.. then next morning, we all talk about this matter and its damn funny..
Day 5 Fri 15th Dec
Woke up early to get ready to set off to eat breakfast with 6th aunt and uncle. Aftermath we set off to cameron. Its damn cooling there la.. omg.. soooooo cold that its cooler than Genting highland. haha..

This is the room. Its like a chalet.. got 2 rooms in it and a living room.
The room not ready yet.. it is ready at 3.. but the time now is 12 only.. so we went to eat our lunch.. and then before eating our lunch, my mom, anne mom and aunt and uncle went to buy 4d. so me and my dad went shopping look look.. i was looking for blotting paper since the second day le.. but no luck.. so i wan to look for it here.. but my dad don allow.. he say my mom is looking for us.. wan to shop later after lunch then shop.. then i agree lor.. so i went out my mom haven even finish buying the 4d.. idiot la.. then nvm.. when we eating lunch, we ordered sweet and sour pork. then the pork some is only fats.. after eating all, left one fat and one meat.. so i told my mom i take the fat she take the meat. she suddenly shout at me infront of eveyone saying " aiya.. surel got fat one ma.. u wan u eat la.. don care so much la" WTF??? i was been filial and kana scolded hur? fine la.. everything my fault.. even after the lunch which my dad promise to shop for blotting paper, they going back le.. i argue with my parents about it and they scold scold scold.. even my aunt and uncle there nagging keep saying im at fault.. and i really damn angry with them i shoot and shout at them.. " ya rite.. my fault.. eveything my fault.. yes yes i noe.. its my fault.. now forget it and shut up! my fault then my fault la." and i burst into tears (stress).. wei console me by saying jokes and stuff..
And so we went out at night to buy those pasar malam food and went back to eat. Theres alot alot of vegetable farms, flower farm and most importantly, STRABERRY farm.. haha..
So after that we went to the hotel and something funny happen. We book a mahjong table and we did ask the manager whether it include the tiles and such.. he say yes.. and we booked it at 20 riggit lor.. but when the table arrived, only the table.. no others.. HOW TO PLAY??? lol.. so we reject and then they ( mom, anne mom, aunt and uncle) use two deck of poker to play mahjong like tt.. then my wei and anne play fishing.. loser do situp.. and the last game we played is 40 situp.. i lose!! haha..
Day 6 Sat 16th Dec
We packed and then left cameron back to ipoh. On the way, we chat and then i ask wei tonight play poker again. he say " cannot la.. tonight we got wedding dinner la.." of course i felt strange.. wat wedding dinner.. and it was actually a dinner for the relatives that din attend last sat one.. so i asked " then left me my mom and dad at home arz?" he say ya.. then he say "eh.. ah boy.. u be my camera man la.. then can go there.. haha.." i say " don have nice shirt la.." he reply " no need nice shirt la.. wear shirt and jeans can le.. camera man only ma.." then i asked " then what about u two" then he reply " we wearing what we wore last sat" LOL.. of course all this he said is LIES! haha..
I asked my father again.. he said we are going oso.. yippe!!! i got to see HIM again.. keke..
Indeed.. evening arrived with the aroma of durian we bought to eat. haha.. then after that we set off to there.. i put on my best shirt and shorts.. my hair nicely comb and my ADDIDAS purfume.. haha.. and i seated way behind everyone and so i started to pray.. praying this: " Goddess of Mercy( guan yin pu sa) If later on something good happen between him and me, hes mine. But if nth happen, we are nth." and so.. i suppose hes mine now.. wahaha.. tell u why..
1) We had booked two table, A and B. Me, mom, dad, uncle, aunt, wei, anne, anne mom and dad sitting at table B. While he and others sitting at table A. Sad la.. but then thanks to my parents.. haha.. here is what happen.
Dad to anne: " eh? where is your brot?"
Anne: " there!"
Dad,mom to David: " eh.. why u siting there? come sit here la.."
And so he came over.. so clockwise direction, its Anne, wei, aunt, uncle, mom, dad, me, anne mom, dad and him.
2) He ordered Sarsi while i ordered Sprite. He finised his and he look at mine, he asked me whether i wan to refill.. i was dumbfolded and i just shake my head.. what a idiot i am.. if only he refill my drink.... CRAP aha..
3)From time to time, i notice he did glance at me for nothing.. haha..
anyway.. i keep talking across to wei and anne.. and so of course he heard what i said la.. i was talking to them about the poker games..
4) When we going off, the two bottle of drinks had to be paid.. so i decided to brought it home. And so david saw and he told me this. : " Eh this two bottle u can later play poker and then loser drink finish one whole bottle.. haha.." cute rite? haha.. awww...
5) afterwards, we decided to go ah po de house.. to visit her.. ( though she attended this dinner). Before we went off, we bid goodbye to them.. and of course.. the first one i wan to bid is him.. i look at him.. and he look back.. i wave and he smile and wave back.. yippe.. so happy.. haha..
So we went visit ah po and her house is quite clean.. and got one dog keep baking one.. very firece.. went back and me and wei play fishing. he lose alot of time and the bet now is flicking of hand.
Day 7 Sun 17th Dec
There! finally.. its time to leave Malaysia.. we set off to eat breakfast and i asked if we could visit their house ( Anne and david) during CNY.. haha.. of course partly is becos i wanted to see him.. =] but then i really miss Anne mom and dad.. they really took good care of us.. and they like to play with me.. =] So we took coach back to singapore and here i am! blogging..
Oh ya.. Wei, Anne, david and anne's parent are currently still in ipoh. Living in Ah po de house.. Cos they 19th dec going to genting.. they can only book untill 19th.. thus they live at ah po house first.. haha.. they coming back on 21st though.. hehe.. =]
Phew.. damn long.. im so sleepy now.. it took me 3 hours to blog this.. hehe... anyway.. Miss Mandy is back!! im seeing her this thurs.. haha.
~minky left~