Tuesday, February 27, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
WOOO!! I finished with the video made by me!! it can be found at the end of this page!!!
i bought i weekly le!!! show u the picture!!
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
~mickey left, hurry go buy!~
Monday, February 26, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Wooo!!! Currently, im being busy watching The Rose, KO one( i just bought it.. haha), writing my story and... Making a movie!!!
Alrite.. not really the MOVIE... but movie of clips and pictures.. like slideshow.. but with clips.. i tell u... its nice hor!! my first and only movie is currently under construction.. once its finished, i will upload in youtube and then put here in my blog!! haha... NICE SIA!! LOVE IT MAN!! WOO..
anyway.. tml hong hwee and chewy mommy coming my house play mahjong!! yes!! nice day it will be.. haha
~mickey left, proud and thrilled~
Sunday, February 25, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
WOOOO!!!! The song played now on my blog is called Always Open!! Sung mainly by S.H.E. Fahrenheit is singing inside oso!! but they are the background one.. but nontheless, they sung a song together!! I love the 7 of them!! Muacks!
This song is for Taiwan 7-11 advertisement one. Nice rite?? hehe.. moreover... this song is i upload myself de!! WA!!! Shiok!!!
~mickey left, feeling very proud~
Saturday, February 24, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Woohoo!! sorry eberyone!! for sooo late de post.. being real busy bai-ing nian.. haha.. anyway.. i got job!!! woohoo!! my cousin company one..
now.. don be happy so fast.. cos.. I LOST THE JOB!! haha.. why im happy? cos.. im able to go Australia!!! 16th of march to 25th of march!! to perth!! wooo!! shiok arz! haha.. cos i die die oso wan go australia.. why? got four reason..
1) I sooooo long never take plane le!! >.<
2) I wan go my cousin (in perth) de house!!!
3) I wan to celebrate my niece's birthday!!
4) simply i wan to have a nice vacation before 2 years of hard work!! (2nd and 3rd year of my poly.. i wan go uni!!)
So, i lost the job! haha.. and poor dad.. he keep asking me not to go australia.. though he din say out.. but i know he wan me to accompany him.. cos my sis and my mom going oso.. so he will be alone.. but then hor cannot like tt leh.. he work the whole day.. from morning to evening.. then i whole half day like soooooo sian lor.. then what to do.. cannot be like tt one rite.. still feel sad for him.. LOL
I wrote finish my first chapter of my new story!! Its call The Love Melody. Chinese name is Ming Ge Zhi Qing. Nice??? i tell u!! its addicting! haha..
~mickey left, ExCItED and eXCIted!!~
Friday, February 16, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Sorry for the late entry!! Gome!!! *paiseh*
Alot of small things happen ba.. =] anyway.. i yesterday went to guardian hq with hong hwee and we cant the place!! cos we reach peace center le.. but the place sooo de ulu.. then don noe where the hell and how the hell to the Rear Podium. So we gave up and went to PS to watch Just Follow Law!! Damn hilarious show.. nice!! go watch.. =]
Today went to eat ya kun lor ti with Julian, Eileen and Wan yan. Then rush to grandma house to pass the veges and ate lunch there.. then rush to rp for the Soap Making Workshop. Nice!!! I wore my labcoat for the first time! SHIOK ARZ!! air-conditioned, The Scientist Feeling, WOOO!!! haha..

~mickey left, excited and happy~
Monday, February 12, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
today had maths.. to be true, i nv do anything at all!! james and wei loong is the one doing.. me and lu yang soo busy doing the poster of RP-PBL.
went to bk to have lunch with Luyang, Asri, hazreen, jarrett, vanessa and oswind. it was fun... but (er hem.. something wierd happen.. should not say here.. those who can noe should noe).
After school went to buy lab coat.. cos dad la.. only got those short sleeve de.. then i need long sleeve one.. so bo bian.. have to buy.. 18.80. somemore hor.. its soooo feminish la.. below waist hor.. it gos down like a pyramid.. like skirt lor.. i really wonder if i bought wrongly.. but then hor.. the try out all like tt one leh.. i better go ask the shop on wed.. haha
then went back to class to play UNO!! haha.. then before leaving class, we 'design' the white board.. it goes like this:
From the former w34d peeps to the next beholder: (asri)
This classroom is cursed!(asri)
P/S: there's lots of white orbs here.(i write one)
Steps to safety:
1) Clap your hand when entering the room. (asri write one)
2) Shout 'Mongok' when switching on the projector. (i wrote but the word is asri write one)
3) Remeber to bring SEXYBACK on your back. ( jarrett wrote one.. i don understand either..)
so this is agar agar.. haha.. so funny la.. then we say mayb the cleaner came in and clap her hand then shout mongok... lol.. LAME!
erugh! im having pain in my throat.. theres some ulcers in it.. soooo pain!!
going to guradian hq with hong hwee on thurs.
going to attend soap making on this fri. ( wearing lab coat!! yay!)
anyway.. need to compliment and reward someone.. haha.. Chee Zhi Yong!! thanks for coming to my blog and tag.. FIRST TIME LEH!! as in.. FIRST TIME AUTOMATIC leh.. haha.. thanks alot.. really appreciate..well, i guess its becos he miss me... AND MY TORTURING! haha.. jk *blush*
~mickey left, missing the W34Ds~
Sunday, February 11, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Hello guys!! tml izz miie last day of school of year 1 le!! somemore its math leh.. sooo sian leh!!! but have to go lor.. then km not going school i alone leh.. then lunch hope lu yang and james and asri and hazreen eating with me.. =] after school hope to go back with them..
I tell u arz.. I just finish finished Zhen Ming Tian Nv, Reaching For The Stars, and its quite nice.. should watch it =] of course nice la.. got ella ma.. so now i planning to watch The Rose, Qiang Wei Zhi Lian, and of course... Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nv part 3!!! why so long haven out har?? so sian lor.. haiz
My dad says he wan to give me Lab coat from his office sia.. lol.. so wierd.. cos i year two need lab coat loooo... haha.. so looking forward!!!
eh!! i wan job!! i wan money!!! i wan buy mickey mouse stuff!! im collecting mickey mouse.. haha.. cos my name ma.. ={} haha..
~mickey left, anticipating the plans~
Saturday, February 10, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Hey guys!!! the surprise i was toking about yesterday... it turn outs to be an iPod!! haha... so wierd sia.. suddenly have another Mp3..
having a terrible headache.. sian!!
~mickey left, surprised and sick~
Friday, February 09, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Today science was real boring! Though during the break we played Taboo brought by James!! haha..
My mom went missing during a period of time. Sis keep calling home and since everytime there is a miss call for house phone, my handphone will recieve a sms stating the number. And i keep getting sms!! argh.. so its actually my sis looking for my mom to tell her to stay at home cos something is delievering to my house. And it is suppose to be a surprise for me and my sis. But somehow my sis have to know the truth so left me unknowingly. Xuete! haha.. but what i know is its something ordered online by my aunt for me and my sis. Yes.. something each for us. And the time of delievery is stated to be 6p.m to 9p.m.. but none! haiz.. one empty night of waiting.
For Fahrenheit fanz... Tomorrow 9.30p.m at channel u, Fahrenheit is appearing in the show Zhou Ri Ba Dian Dang. Do catch it, don miss it! haha.. of course.. neither do i.
~mickey left, waiting and waiting~
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
To the Angels among the clouds, i seek thee's attention,
Today had a relaxing day of enterprise with jacob. We had three groups and had to choose one from each group to sell themselves to us. It was fun and interesting. And then around 11.30, we played some games and we went to eat lunch together. After lunch we went to library to play board games and chit chat. All funs and laughter have an end, well... same goes to ours. but a breeze of unhappiness are brought along too.
I shall not specificed here but i just want to know.. issit a sin to dance and sing badly? issit a sin that a person is born without a beautiful face? mayb its a retribution that i had brought to myself. I know its kind of stupid and disconcert to dance in the public. So i apologise to everyone and i will never ever do it again. I will not dance and sing in the public. i repeat. I will not dance and sing in the public till i learned how to.
Though this incident make me feel uneasy and sad, i promise that it will be a motivation for me to strive harder towards my dream and plans. I will never give up, so do u.
~mickey left, sad and stronger~
Hello eberyone!!
u noe what.. today actually don wan come school de. but got science UT.. so bo bian.. then actually plan afternoon go off.. but then got talk.. and also i wan to get rid one of the C.. so i stay lor.. and u noe what.. very de stupid.. morning i went to eat bunch with Kwee Mei, Luyang and Zhiyong.. then when i sitting down, i saw a CHILDISH girl looking at me... then i feel wierd but i already used to it.. cos alot of people always look look one.. then fine lor.. look lor.. but something stumble me.. she suddenly call " KY!" then it is like =.=""" laa.. call him for wat.. i Celebrity issit..<-----(how i wish i am.. LOL) im his idol issit.. hes my TOU HAO fanz issit... WTF la... haha.. so SUA, NVM.. i heck.. and then kwee mei arrive and ask me.. " eh that one is KY rite? " i just nod my head.. then lu yang come.. and i told her "eh u look there.. your LEGENDARY hero is there.."(inside joke) LOL.. then i quickly warn zhi yong.. " ZHI YONG! U BETTER DON SAY OR DO ANYTHING I TELL U!!!" he so poor thing.. haha.. then he realised.. and he threaten to call his name and say hi.. i say sure.. u go do it.. and u cannot come tomorrow le.. cos i will beat the hell out of him till he have to MC.. lol.. anyway that childish lady count herself lucky la hor... heng for her i nv remeber her face ( why should i anyway? crazy..) if not.. i really feel sorry for the people attending her funeral.. LOL.. wateva >.<
okie fine.. don tok about that anymore.. anyway.. that Zhi Yong hor.. really pervert leh.. tell u people why..
1) Hes into SNM i think.. cos i everyday beat him one.. so yesterday i nv come, james told me he very quiet.. but he protest its becaused hes sick.. so.. today i came.. and i actually plan not to hit him cos KM oso say ma.. last few days.. be nice to him.. o-k-i-e.. so i try.. but hor.. he like purposely one.. keep agitating me.. whateva i say (even if i was toking to other people) he will comment lor.. so i think he purposely wan me to beat him.. WIERD!!
2) He did a love quiz.. and u noe what? he got a description saying " Your risk of cheating is 100%!!" oh gosh.. eberbody.. becarful arz!!! HE WILL CHEAT U!! (lol)
3) He did another quiz call " am i a gentleman?" and you have to check boxes that describes u..€ and there is one box saying " i will not have a prolonged public --- of affection" means something like.. you will not kiss or touch touch in the public for long period.. and u noe what? ZY NV CHECK THE BOX!!! HES sooooo DESPERATE!! LOL.. (kidding)
okie crap.. now im the childish one.. but then i boliao ma.. and also added to entertain my blog awhile.. haha.. ZY.. i will be grateful to u de.. haha..
(newly added)
anyway.. after school, i went job hunting with hazreen!! we went all over causeway point and simply everyone say the same standard answer.. " sorry, its full at the moment" haiz.. but we did manage to have little hope in Metro and Cold Storage.. haha.. Metro have to go Taka the hq there.. then Cold Storage we now waiting for the call.. so wish me luck ba.. =]
~mickey left~
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hello eberyone!!
I finish a show called Tokyo Juliet.. acted by Wu zun!! and Ariel Lin Yi Chen!!! wa.. the story damn long and damn heartaching.. the whole story u will feel the heart pain lor.. but i don really like the ending.. as in.. theres sooo much mysteries not uncovered. Like for example, what happen to Sui's mom? does she even reconcile with Sui? what happen to Sui's dad? what happen to chu xing? and what happen to Mi la er, the Italian God of Designer? and also a weird thing.. Sui's name is call Stephanie.. but why her shop name is Roblyn ---- (forgot)..and like Sui has open her own shop but Liang nv have any achievment like tt.. WIERD! so wierd leh.. but still, its a happy ending..
So now, Im eagerly waiting for Hana Kimi Part 3 to be out.. I WAN TO WATCH!! anyway.. im calling Guardian on Tues.. SO EAGER TO WORK!! haha.. wan to make more money.. then i can buy alot of things i wan.. woohoooOO!!!
oh ya.. stupid one.. my maths UT 1, 2, 3 all got A ( not trying to brag) so i can happily skip UT 4, but then.. UNLUCKY!! it falls tml.. which is math lesson!! ARGH!! i cant pon lor.. maths predicted grade for me is A.. i wan to stabalize it.. so i have to come the last two maths lesson.. man.. so sian.. but as long as i got A can le.. hehe..
I just bought a nice stylist Levi's Jeans!!! wa seh... cant believe it la.. my mom ask me to buy one.. woohoo.. and u noe what.. it cost $89.90 leh.. but got 20% discount.. so in the end is $71.90.. cant believe la.. then i noe why.. cos my sis oso buy one.. then my mom scared i say not fair so she ask me to buy.. eh.. i really feel very shock la... first time wear sooo ex one leh.. omg.. my standard getting higher!! LOL
~mickey left~
Friday, February 02, 2007
Today had science.. learning about MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).. its rather simple though.. then had lunch with Hazrin, Asri and Lu yang.. we all four had so much fun.. and guess what? we drank soyabean milk, and ate yong tou foo!! so concidence.. LOL.. i mean. sort of.. haha..

Anyway.. before we went for lunch, the class were so "high" la.. haha.. cos they keep asking someone to dance.. and then asri is the "disciple" of that person, so that person "teach" asri and the both of them dancing lol.. so funny.. and then since i said many times i wan to be boyband and i suggested H.I.M before rite? but then now become J.A.M and i call BlueBerry J.A.M.. cos.. James, Alex and Mickey.. LOL.. alex is Zy la.. his email is alex blah blah rite? so call him alex la.. lol..
Oh ya.. guys and gals.. from today onwards, i change my name from Minky to Mickey le.. i think Mickey suit me better than Minky.. though i still like Minky, lol.. but i prefer Mickey.. =] smilez~
~mickey left~