This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Alright... im going to do a very random reflection about my life..
im really confused now.. WHO IS MY real friends? im really worried and confused on this topic. If you asked me, who is my best friend, i can tell u loads. But who is the one who really treat me as a friend? i couldn't answer this man... Its a total difficult question for me.
Fair weather friends? or what... why do people act so innocent infront of u and then gossips about you behind?
alrite.. i admit i might be thinking too much some times.. but but.. you are the one who make me think too much.. whats up with the suspense? why so secretive?
and also.. my class is quiet sometime.. but.. two of them is so noisy..(excluding me) alway play around and shouting.... i shouldnt say out the names.. cos i mean no harm.. just that.. its abit irritating.. i noe.. i will oso cut down my volume of my voice.. i need to try.. so you two should try oso..
overall, i really feel very confused plus guilty plus i wan to run away from this place.. for i cant really control myself. i seems like making everyone hate me.. i wan to control myself one.. but i sometime cannot change.. i really meant harm... i...i...i.... i don noe what to say le..
~mickey left, left~
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Gossips Rule No1: DO NOT gossip infront of that person.
Gossips Rule No2: Only use mouth during gossiping. Strictly NO movements allowed.
Gossips Rule No3: DO NOT let your voice exceeds 30 dB.
Gossips Rule No4: Keep your eyes to yourself.
Yoz!! today had a acne talk la.. then hor.. stupid one.. cos jieying, goldie, me and emily sit according.. then infront of emily and then right one space sitted one guy whos yr two. cos he did oil and water which is applied chemistry...
This guy hor.. u noe what he did? i tell u...
1) everyone is given a small piece of paper which is survey. Then me, emily and goldie no pen (jieying haven come so don have). Then emily la.. she nagging "eh.. i don have pen, fifa! you got extra pen?" after she said that, that guy infront hor, turn around (acting cool) saying " i got pen". Emily funny la.. she straight away say "oh nvm.." LOL la.. like she wan pen then she say don wan.. so wierd lor.. whaha
2) i was doing one slide about bone cells. Then i came upon this sentence " osteoblast is a mononucleate.." so i asked emily what is mononucleate.. as in.. the whole word la.. then emily say mono is 1.. so when me and emily is trying to solve te word, that guy turn around and just say " mono is 1" (acting cool again)...
Dots... its like.. hes eavesdropping us lor.. and hor i tell u.. i can see he keep sitting slanted and facing the left then his eyes keep peeping behind. eyer... wierdo!
This is the guy!

Monday, April 23, 2007
HIM is "related" to RP
SHIOK!! haha.. eh.. don believe arz? humph! proof arz!

SEE!!! The first sponser and the last sponser!!! "RELATED" what!! rite?? whahahah!!!
Shiok la.. my SHE de junior is coming to my schooll... i love it man!!! woooooo!!!
~mickey left, jia you jia you!~
Saturday, April 21, 2007
YOZ!!! the song played on my blog is SHE de new song Zhong Guo Hua which translate to Chinese Language. This song is rapping song.. BUT BUT BUT!! not that kind of english rap... ITs... Tongue Twister!! shiok man.. nice la... wooo!!!
Their album will be out at on 11th may!!!! preorder is starting from 25th April!!!!
~mickey left, EXCITED!~
Friday, April 20, 2007
Im nobody's child...
EMO TITLE rite? do u think i wan? stupid.. today my sis sms me.. asking.. "eh.. you noe mom and dad going genting is on sunday or mon arz?"
WTH? i don even noe the shit about it... and u noe.. i really agree with my sis ... she said.. "u not their son sia.." yup thats rite.. i think this sentence best suits me la.. IM NOBODY'S CHILD!
When i get back home, i confront my mom about this matter.. WHY must i tell u? LAter call your friend come our house la? WTS la.. please la.. use brain lor.. if i wan to call friend, i can do that even when i realised u two HAVE GONE to genting le.. so whats the difference? suan le lor.. since they don wan me to know about this, i shall kept silence and unknown to this matter.. i heck it!
Anyway.. im going to acer company tml.. to repair my com!! haha.. my com shok shok liao.. little hot then auto shut down.. sian la.. have to put my old old old metal pencil box below now.. so that it will VENTILATE. haiz.. so im asking some friends to go with me.. cos i su kua sia.. i don noe where leh!! omg la...
EEKK!!! i this month die la.. no money le.. everyday eat $2.20 de yong tou foo le lor.. then breakfast either nothing or see got bread anot bring school eat le la.. omg la.. so hungry everyday la... haiz.. WHERES THE HELL IS MY SALARY!!! I NEED IT SO MUCH NOW!!! Argh!
~mickey left, hungry hungry!~
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A life without hope is totally hopeless
Yoz!!! been few days since i blog yea? haha.. been busy intereacting with my biomedical mates.. haha.. and im sooo close to fifa rite now.. shes the pillar to the reason why i can almost survive this whole week. haha.!!
Anyway.. i would like to introduce my new member to our family of 6... beside me, my sis, mom, dad, girl girl and xiong xiong, here comes dibby!!! my cutie little hamster!!

He does resemble da hei and xiao hei.. haiz.. i simply love this species!!! soooooo friendly de.. let u touch one lor.. love it~~~
~mickey left, coming up next~
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Once again, a quiet boy...
Tomorrow is the first day of my year 2! and yes.. its a new class again... so this means i will be a quiet boy again! sian lor.. anyway.. i bought a new baggy.. nice but vulnerable.. and it cost 79.90! but then it caught my attention lor.. so nice. keke..

Anyway.. soe ming, who work at pepperlunch oso.. has this bag oso.. but i really like this bag ma.. so buy lor.. not copycat hor.. hehe
~mickey left, tired and fatigue!~
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Mickey Mouse
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A little present to a day of hard work
Haiz... what i hate working in pepperlunch is that many people is hiding a knive behind a smile. I don really like that auntie wendy there lor.. its like.. she very qian da lor.. i tell u why.. i was doing opening with her and then i finish my things le.. then i go behind and check the schedule ma.. i need to double confirm what time i work rite.. then i was waiting happily for auntie wendy to finish looking at the schedule... but when she saw me she just turn and walk back to her job.. so i ask her if she wan to look anot cos i scare she tot i urgently need to see the schedule ma.. but then she don even wan to reply me lor.. and then she shoot me this.. " aiya.. u people always like to see this paper one.." i was like.. WTF? she was oso looking at it lor.. if we don look at it what for its there? i din even obstruct her or what lor.. kns one..
then that waki oso very what.. always so fierce to me.. i noe im talkative la.. but then when u work, there got to be serious and relax time ma.. somemore that time no customer liao.. about 3-4 p.m lor.. then i accidentally drop something and he stare at me like i killed his whole family like tt.. very stressed up lor.. like everyone hate me like tt..
argh! its never ending one.. so mayb a small present? haha... i tell u what happen.. i was doing dishup (the one scooping rice onto bowl and put on trays for server to serve) so when the food arrive i put on the tray and noone serving.. so i serve since its not peak time ma.. so i serve this guy and i ask him if he noe how to cook anot. he say don noe.. so i teach him lor.. then he say thank you.. then after that i was standing at my dishup area then i turn around i saw him standing there like looking for something.. so i went forward and ask him.. he show me the comment form and i quickly take the box for him to slot it in.. then he ask me to call my manager.. so i call waki lor.. then waki come liao he told waki something about the question one the comment form saying " who do you think should deserve the best staff award?" so after he was gone, i ask waki what he say.. he told me this.. " no la.. he say the server is very helpful but he don noe his name.. so he just write down the details lor... who serve him?" and who do you think? its me la!!! hahaha.. so i finally got what i deserve.. =p but really lor.. i do cashier and server hor.. always so polite and helpful.. but like not appreciated one lor.. very sian leh.. haha..
anyway.. today my last day for the call one.. hehe... free from one stress.. wooo!
~mickey left, grateful and tired~
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Mickey Mouse
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hey hey!!.. im been working in pepperlunch for 3 weeks le.. so.. i known quite afew people there.. and guess what? there is 6 myanmar staff lor.. and they do not know each other till they work here.. strange hor.. they are.. ThuYain, Zaw, Maymar, Bruce, SoePyay and SoeMing.. except for bruce, thuyain and soepyay look very like malay while the rest look like chinese alot.. and i learn abit abit abit myanmar language.
Hello - Bingalawa
Bye- Da da
lol... easy rite..
anyway.. me and weiting plan to buy some ferro rocher for them since they never eat before.. and for thuyain, who do not like chocolate, we plan to buy something for him.. haha..
Oh ya.. me and weiting going to quit the calling this wed.. so its the last day on wed.. sob sob.. haha.. we need to rest ma.. school going to reopen le.. yay!
~mickey left, nice and comfort~
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Mickey Mouse
Friday, April 06, 2007
Great busy Day
Hey hey! never show you what kind of environment im working at night.. see! this is the place! i know some new friends there oso.. like.. First one is Yu Shu, then after that Lee Wei but don really talk.. only know his name at first.. but.. gets better after we found that we always coicidentally "meet" at outram park mrt. LOL.. really lor.. like when im waiting for weiting and yu shu, then he behind weiting abit.. so he walk with us. And also when we reach outram, he oso reach and the second last day of his work (his last day is yesterday) we thought of waiting for him to appear but then never.. but but but.. he appear right behind us lor.. ahah.. oh.. then oso know a new guy who joined after i went to perth so weiting and yu shu know him first.. and his name is call Nick. Ever since he know im mickey, he keep teasing me and weiting calling her minnie mouse. DOTS la.. no link! oh ya.. then a lady from morning shift one oso work at night shift call jenny. Shes 30 plus liao lo.. cannot see one hor.. don play play.. haha
This is the picture!!

So to celebrate Lee wei's last day of work, me, weiting, weiyi and lee wei went to marina square to eat pizza hut after me and weiting and weiyi's work. Me and weiting working at pepperlunch ma.. weiyi work at mc cafe which is like.. just beside lor.

Candid shot of them.. Weiyi hiding behind her sis

Our feets!! haha..
North - Weiting
South - Mickey
East - Weiyi
West - Lee wei

Do re mi fa~ LOL.. Weiyi, Weiting, Lee wei and miie!!

I am a White dog. My Name is Bobby.

Groove Nations

"Snatch Thieves" Im wabbit, Who are you?

Nice hor this pictures??? really drawn by someone lor.. sia la.. best man...
Anyway.. after our dinner, we went to play arcade and so fun sia! haha.. then went shop abit then go back le.. haha.. we all enjoy ourself sia.. right?? hehe..
Wei wei ni hai hao bu hao...
oh ya.. hmmm.. our next "gathering" might be when me and weiting leave the company.. make yourself available hor... 13th of april.. or 14 if can.. hehe
Lee wei ar.. if you been here please taggy hor.. noe what is taggy? Taggy is to tag or simply to leave a message at my tagboard there.. will you.. lol..
~mickey left, tired and happy~
Sunday, April 01, 2007
This is my modules of year 2!!
Ong Siew Pei
Esther Chng
Kelvin Tan
Elaine Yew
Cant find the teacher face.. so wierd.. her name is Sahana Hegde.
~mickey left... nervous and quiet~