This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Toilet culture
Haiz haiz.. RP de toilet.. i have nth to say.. one comment is.. SMELLY LA.. smells like AGAR PLATE or LIQUID BROTH.. damn smelly la... EYER!
My school now very sian... cos everyday so chim de topic.. today genetics.. about statistics.. what degree of freedom la, null and alternative hypothesis. so bo liao one..
flute flute flute... teacher ask me buy this and that.. i no money.. he ask me buy scale books, exam books and grade 2 de book.. AHHHHHH!! im broke la..
~mickey left, -.-~
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Photo marathon
Alrighto. Today is saturday and we had a photo marathon in RP. Me, jieying and CX register for it and we kinda crazy the whole day. then i heard from jieying she watched The Seeker yesterday also, which is the same day as us! haha.. coincidence seh..
okie soo, our first assignment out of the three is to snap something which suits the theme RED. and guess what, i shoot a red plant and to make it creative and artistic, i shake the camera while taking it, making it looks blurred. nice u noe the effect. cx took a "No crossing" sign which is going to drop. Jieying took the writings on the carpark which says " Saturdays".
The second assignment we got is "Surprise!". And that cx got alot of wierd ideas one. and i admit, this whole assignment he contributed the most. LOL.. he took his first with the help of mine. I throw stones down into the reflection pond and he take the effect of the RIPPERS (its ripples actually, but he spell it wrongly) and he name it "Rippers in Demise" Wondering what demise is? go check dictionary then. death wierd right? Well, i guess he spelled it wrongly. The correct one is " Ripples in Distress". LOL. Okie my turn. I took a picture of leaves flying around. Jy help me take while me and cx throw the leaves. LOL. I name it "Leaves in confusion" Jieying took a long time, changing from cats, to spiders, eventually to pigeons. And name it "Argh! Enemies spotted!"
The third assignment is nth one. just take an interesting pic and report in 70 to 300 words. and we three take arts festival stuff at causeway point there.
then after that we submit le jiu go home lor. haha..
NO PICTURE is able to post.. stupid blogger.. don noe why.. i wrote this entry on 27th and i blog now on 31st.. stupid sia.. =(
~mickey left, sian 1/2~
Friday, October 26, 2007
Happy week!
This few days i have been enjoying myself without any unhappiness thing happening.. kinda happy.
well, have a big nice long talk with siying, lucy and cx in KFC on thurs. nice. we laugh and play and lame non stop.
today, we did something impromptu sia. and i think it was me. were walking to mrt, me, goldie, jieying, vanessa, siying, lucy and cx. then i wan to go walk walk so goldie, van and jieying went off first, lucy, siying and cx accompany me. and then we went to john little to play perfume, but i dare not cos the salesgirl there.. so we walk deeper and we check on the wallets, and cx did something EXTRAORDINARY that i wan to take pic and show but he quickly stop doing. anyway we walk past the two pillar of sunglasses and begin searching what suits us and then we decided to take pictures. LOL!

Siying and Lucy. Siying looks sooo scary and ah lian.. and lucy very funny.. her price tag is zhun zhun center. LOL

Okie, this is the first picture we took. Did you notice what im wearing? i guess i could say its MICKEY wearing its own sunglasses! =]

Wa.. two idiot trying to act cool. One so uncle, one so biker but i suddenly look like some kind of buggy(due to the sunlasses). AHHH. and did you notice why this pic no price tag? cos we hide it inside one of the lens! PRO EH! Okie.. i shall explain why there are two picture of us but one of the girls. Cos.. lucy keep complaining that i shall lower myself to make the pic look nicer.. and i totally agree with her. =] (you can try comparing the first and second.. hehe)
okie.. so after that we walk out and as we walk past prima deli, i sudden urge to ask them want to watch movie anot then lucy and siying say okie but only that idiot cx say go home. but we heck him and then continue talking what movie to watch and in the end he bo bian have to follow.. but everytime he seems to object, he will still be so enthu about it. don noe why.. wierd.
so we watch The Seeker at 7.20 and it last till 9.00. the show is okie la.. but its mainly for children because the plot we can guess one. not fun. and everything happen too quickly.. waste money.. 9 dollar sia.. might as well watch resident evil which is what we at first intended.. but it is 7.55p.m.
~mickey left, feeling comfort and relaxed.~
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Something desired to know the most,
feels like waited long for the post.
Answers is known since the past,
but it would be better to be the last.
Now i have known the truth
still, i feel so damn ruth
Lying to myself it could happen
but that will only make me sadden.
So what can i really do?
hmmm, just pretend its never true.
hide the real secret me
that no one will ever find and see.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
AIYO! so de sorry la.. been been been very busy.. so nv update.. tsk tsk tsk.. and that goldie still dare to ask me close down.. CANNOT! this blog is my first bloggy, and i love it the most.. MUACKS haha.. so well, DUE TO THE POPULAR DEMAND, im BACK! =]
okie.. so i FINALLY finished my idiot PP, and tomorrow im gonna submit le.. yea! =] thats why i been not updating so long.. hehe
anyway school have been okie... the work is getting harder and harder.. haiyo.. my grades like shit.
hmmm, i would like to wish, a belated SELEMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI to my malay friends!!! hehe..
now now now.. what should i say? oh work.. work has been boring and i have lots of unhappiness there... going to quit i guess, only pullback is weiting and her sis, asking me to quit with them on feb. well, i not sure if i can hold on that long.. haiz..
hmmm... bullet train has been real quiet for the past few weeks.. not sure what is the setback he
met, mayb CX DUMP HIM??? OH MY GOD.. that is a big news man! no wonder that CX not obsessed with him le.. tsk tsk tsk..
My flute is been rusty... I PPING! cannot PRACTISE! grrrr... and after pp so late le, cannot play flute.. later gana smack.
my dad just counseled me this morning.. and i still don noe what to do.. HAIZ..
anyway days been not smooth to go.. but i will talk to gynn one.. everyday i will talk and wish upon her something. i will continue to do that.. =]
~mickey left, very tired~
Friday, October 05, 2007
So lame
Today after school, me, goldie and jieying went home tgt and on our way to agora, the "Hey! Gorgeous" is still on, so we kaypo and then they ask us to vote and alot of people starting moving away. but my, jieying and goldie purposely walk towards them and the host, Fiona Xie, Ben and desmond koh just beside us but im not excited at all. then we was like, walk up like nothing happen and then take the magnet and vote then go down. so when i saw the camera i was like smiling to the camera.. LOL i wan to be on TV!
anyway when we go down liao got free gift of clean and clear facial foam. then we just walk off the place and go home. we keep laughing because its like, the crowd block us and since we couldnt walk the usual way, the only way is to go up the stage (just nice help them vote la) and then walk to the other end. this is the picture of the scene.

Well, so thats is soooo funny la...lol!!
hey people, facebook is fun! add me in it. my name is Mickey Tan. find me and add me!
~mickey left, dota! dota!~
Thursday, October 04, 2007
well, today, the "Hey Gorgeous!" came to republic polytechnic, and some of my classmates go take picture with fiona xie. anyway, i got this picture of the stage.

anyway my class got this lame shit. i start off with the colour of shirts of the cast.
Goldie: Black
Chengxi : Green
Marcus: Red
Mickey: Brown
Diana: Yellow
Fanny: Blue
okie.. so we say that, Chengxi and Marcus are boyfriend girlfriend. then diana say chengxi so sweet, protect marcus because the watermelon theory. then we say goldie is the offspring of them and im the earth that grow the watermelon. diana is the sunlight and fanny is the water.
LOL so lame sia the story.
okok.. so thats all.. =]
PS: CX say he is attracted to marcus of his coolness heck care attitude and say he yesterday quarrel with him so therefore marcus bad mood today then also say "i tell my boyfriend and fight u" when goldie say she don wan let him see the passion card. LOL
~mickey left, LOL!~
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tsk tsk tsk
I am getting more sick and tired of my flute teacher after each lesson. Its not about the lesson, its how he treats people. First he told me the japanese lady after me is so naggy, so irresponsible, never repay back blah blah.
then next he tell me this guy whom is taking grade 7 flute exam and say he is stupid, retard, slow simply just because he is from ITE. and say he play flute though not bad but no feeling because ITE no EQ, then say they very slow and stupid one.
come on la, so what if he is ITE? now ITE is good lor, its just that they are not meant for studying, they rather practical or what. if they wan to study, who will win them?
don u guys feel that he is soooooo backstabber and untrusted? i bet he says about my bad stuff to someone else. might be saying, see how he play, so noisy and lousy, no talent at all, waste money learning something he is not meant to, blah blah, so stupid and slow is side reading...
hohoho, i wont be surprise he i heard all this then. thats why im trying to get other teacher liao. im sick of him. he is soooo, i have no comments.
~mickey left, SICK AND SICK!~
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
omg omg omg.. i have no time to blog recently..
1) Have to finish composing breaking free (flute)
2) doing PP!!!
3) Doing nonsense to relieve my stress.. omg omg omg..
anyway today im the conclusion teacher of my group, supervisor of team 1's poster presentation by Shenni, Sarmilla, Shakila, nanthini and Cx. And im the Cameo of the role playing team done by Jieying, Lucy, Qian wen, Aruna and Fiq! haha.. then me and lucy compose this song,
Im a big big bird in the big big sky and i fly fly fly untill i dieeee~
so funny sia.. got bruised when role playing but its okie.. =] everyone got fun, its worth.. haha..
~mickey left, coming back soon~