This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I believe i can fly~ I believe i can cry...
Yea.. can u believe it? i just sing one funny song, my tear glands will be activated.. cool huh.. and i some more so haolian to siying.. then wan show lucy she don wan.. cos she scare she kana infected by me.. become emo.. but im not.. then that cx still dare to see wor.. he say he nv see a big man cry.. so well.. when i about to sing, i forgot the feeling and i cant cry! wahaha.. hes not destine to see my golden tears la..
PPPP TML!! HELP!!! (oh.. PPPP is Professional Profiling Poster Presentation)
River Spirit 1 and 2 is trying to protect the river... but somehow.. the river today is unstable.. =(
~mickey left, DON ANYHOW THINK LA!~
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Emo Elmo Time!
I would like to present you a song that suits my feeling and thoughts now.. hehe.. a Chinese song... find the lyrics quite meaningful..
能不能再 靠近一点点
能不能再 靠近一点点
actually i wanted to highlight some important points for you people to take note.. but well. much after highlighting, i realized i highlighted the whole song.. >.<
anyway, in this world, in singapore, I HATE A GIRL. i DO NOT noe this girl, i HAVE NOT seen this girl, but.. I HATE HER TO THE CORE. just because she did something bad bad bad., according to what i have heard.. or mayb SEEN? =].. i noe i have no right.. but.. I HATE U GIRL. I WISH U WILL DIE. oh wait.. cannot die.. erm mayb.. REGRET OF WHAT U HAVE DONE!!!
~mickey left... PISSED~
Sunday, November 18, 2007
well well! today morning, we have our very own RP ECO PICNIC in SINGAPORE! woohoo!!! feel so proud huh.. haha anyway we are helpers of the game station of tug o war.. we all play untill blister sia.. so pain.. T.T anyway

This is just a random pic. Clockwise direction, on the left, is cx leg, then siying and mine! i took this pic co our shoe looks almost the same.. HAHA
after that i went to kbox with ah tiao and ah yi! haha.. went to cck de but close liao.. bobian went to amk one then have to mafan goldie come down bring us go.. hehe.. thanks huh! =]
woots! sing untill my throat pain.. well.. this sat got amazing race! sounds fun and exciting! cant wait..
~mickey left, eyes dropping~
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm still trying to lie to myself. To think i have thought how to be noble. Something close shave happened on Sunday, lucky i manage to escape from it. How many times i have lied to others, but never to think i even lie BLINDLY to myself. I'm such a failure..
What i need now is a steel heart. Sometimes i consider myself lucky to let something happen. Contradicting, im blaming and remorsefully thinking it should not have happen.
I need a bucket of very cold water to wake myself up, wake from that tempting yet unnatural, unrealistic dream. The dream that never let me proceed but pulling me back. That stops me from advancing with time, that helps me wear that awful mask.
Someone please help me... pull me from that black hole before its too late.
but then well, if i were to woke up from that dream, i suppose i will be as noble as what i would be .. >.<
~mickey left, still dreaming~
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Im Lucky? Unlucky!
Have you tot of feeling unlucky to born in that family? Well, im sure everyone would have tot of that. U feel unlucky to born in that family because you have no money. U feel unlucky to born with silver spoon but no family love. U feel unlucky to born in that family because you are handicapped. Well, i can say, they are all LUCKIER than me. Yes yes, i agree that im lucky compared to people who is handicapped and been abandoned la, all these.. but.. im sure im one of the unlucky among the lucky. So what? no money? got love right? What no love? But still got money right? Handicapped? Got love ma, scare what. Me? Not much love, not much money, how i wish im handicapped, gosh.. should i envy those handicapped, on how much love the parents showered on him/her.
And and and... now, the person who contribute the stupid idiotic sperm to me, is blaming me why im born. yea yea.. i know how bad i am. i noe how irritating i am, i noe how complaining i am.. i noe how my attitude is.. so? DON GIVE BIRTH TO ME LA. why give birth to me, then think i can grow up and contribute or repay u, why give birth to me, when u eventually will regret, why give birth to me when my life is sooo much pathetic. why give birth to me why im in pain, in sorrow, in darkness, and who is trying to laugh his day off, trying to hide all the sorrowness, who trying to find the light. WHY!
Seriously, though i don noe whether i should hate or what..but i really wish that, one day, or mayb in some days later perhaps? the earlier the better la.. that, my father almost knock down by car, lucky i go save him, and been knock down instead.. then will lose alot of blood, and then halfway through the hospital, im reported dead. poof! isnt that a wonderful event to happen? benefit to me, benefit to my family, benefit to everyone who know me in this world. somemore i can die without suiciding. hello! im saving someone out there, cant you see? oh oh oh! one more thing, then i can save so many people because my organs might be useable.. shiok huh? one stone kill erm... 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! 6 birds! seriously, thats a great deal. hmmm.. sounds so tempting and attracting.
~mickey left, begone!~