This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
YIPP! i dye my hair lo!
Wa seh.. sooo many people come my house at one time.. 5.. Meiyun, Goldie, Jieying, Lucy and Chengxi! haha.. of course, Meiyun is the dyer, goldie can say helper and cameragirl, Jieying helper oso.. lucy calculator.. (she calculate GPA for me.. LOL) Chengxi, Gamer? =p
and and and... heres some of the promised pictures.. hehe..

Haha.. got one pic don noe why like tt.. wierd.. lalala.. fun sia.. then goldie go cut her hair for 18 dollars.. come back my house then we wash our hair tgt.. she use my parents toilet, i use my own.. cos my own then got my conditioner ma.. haha.. then they keep discussing whether my hair got colour anot.. at first black.. then slowly they say got colour.. let me show u one pic.. judge yourself whether got colour or not... =]

Hehe.. nice not? =p.. but i look more beng le.. AHHH
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
yea yea.. today dying hair.. jieying, lucy and meiyun going to my house today! hehe.. my dye is sunset beige.. but then my hair naturally black, so it might turn out dark brown i suppose? well, see the results tonight! yippe! so excited.. hehe.. must take alot of picture later on. DADDY! WHERE IS MY DIGITAL CAM! hehe..
my class having a small fight.. between one whole bunch, and little miss goldie. I understand how little miss goldie feels, because, two big group versus one small group of us, fair? if you still think its fair, i advise you should leave little miss goldie and her small group alone.
Monday, January 28, 2008
ARGH! my com cant play silkroad well, i cant get into lunia.. WHAT HAPPEN! kns sia.. i have nothing to do now la.. ARGH!!!
i watched finish heroes 2.. the one that i hate hate hate in the show is that stupid SYLAR GABRIEL GREY! hate him to the core.. always so sadist.. pervet one.. kill and kill.. don have the power le will go and retrieve back... not only that, he just wan to be special.. well, most of us do, except people whos special.. but being special isnt that important la.. don noe how he think.. so stupid..
maya cool.. poison people.. she looks scary with black eyes though..
elle, electricity.. zee pee zee zap..
wooo.. bob.. golden touch eh?
Monica! the COPY CAT! u noe her power? she just, took a glance of anything.. and she can do it! but well, not superpowers though.. she cant copy powers.. only skills and techniques.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
oh.. forgot to say something.. im tired.. VERY TIRED. Not only physically, mentally and EMOTIONALLY tired. somethings seems to make me upset and angry each and everyday. it seems like THAT THING's role to play in my world is to make sure im upset or angry EACH and EVERYDAY. and this make me trying to get further and further from THAT THING EACH and EVERYDAY. i shant say anymore. please do not jump into conclusion. =] CHEERS.
today's post is abit lame.. as what i mentioned last post, someone's bird nest farm have not been donated.. and just nice, i took some pictures impromptu today.

There.. doesnt it look really like bird nest? or like what sy has suggested, dry wheat? haha! so lame.. i feel im so bad now.. but who started the farm farm thing huh.. =p
argh! my dying of hair is postponed to wed.. cos got to go for the FYP breifing.. T.T...
Friday, January 25, 2008
woots! i've cut my hair! no more mushroom FARM! hehe.. but someone still have his bird nest farm.. tsk tsk tsk..
anyway i cant wait till MON! hehe.. i wan dye my hair! yea yea!
hmmm.. i changed my layout for my room again! phew.. get it done fast... lucky.. later going meet cx and sy to go GUANG MING! we gonna play cluedo! and mayb settlers.. nice sia! haha..
FYP! argh! so stress.. haha.. don noe which to decided.. first choice of us is the food allergen... but that stupid teacher so slow one.. then fish fry wa seh.. hiong.. say im inside le.. but i haven confirm only.. hehe.. HOW! hope the stupid teacher faster reply us.. AHHH!!!! im sorry NATASHA! (shes the fish fry teacher) cos i will take some time to reply u.. =(
Thursday, January 24, 2008
hoho.. my father talk to me again.. this time, i feel like changing myself for better..
anyway.. tml i going to cut hair with siying.. haha.. getting rid of my that mushroom hair.. then.. mon, meiyun jie wan to help me dye hair! wooo.. so excited.. must take pic that day.. HAHA.. then i will post here.. please look forward to it! =]
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Today is a sad day for me. VERY SAD indeed.
1) People ignoring me..
2) People insulting me...
3) People critising me...
4) People misunderstanding me...
5) People backstabbing me...
6) People looking down on me...
7) People hating me...
8) People angry with me...
okie i don noe how long the list would be.. im afraid me myself cannot count it.. and i don think blogger is going to have much space for me to type ALL of them..
Saturday, January 19, 2008
okie fine.. erm... my original plan was..
Flute 9.45 - 10.15a.m
Acer 10.30 - 11.00a.m
Home 11.30 - 1p.m
School 1 - 3p.m
Home 3p.m onwards..
but then.. my flute teacher wanted to change the time so, hmmm...
Acer 9.00 - 10.30a.m
Home 11.00 - 1p.m
School 1 - 3p.m
Home 3 - 4p.m
Flute 4.45 - 5.15p.m
Home 6.30p.m onwards
yup.. so thats the plan i followed in the end.
Acer, i went there and its sooo stupid.. i reach there 9.45 and i took the number 7012 and i checked its 7011 so next turn is me. pretty fast huh.. but then i waited for half an hour la.. stupid one.. then i got a new laptop which im now using to type.. i like the overall, but then mayb im still not used to the new things like from window xp to window vista.. i don noe how to use sia.. i cant play silkroad la.. cos.. the window is like.. not full screen, neither issit in the center.. its at the very bottom right corner of my screen.. the problem is i cant move it anywhere.. i cant close it either, i can only end task it.. sian lor.. then my computer blue screen... so i better don do anything liao.. haiz

Okie.. next thing to mention.. i was quite dissapointed by some people because of something, but i shant bother to say who issit about what la.. just feel sad and i quite emo about it.. so i just heck care give attitude lor.. =p then when we reach rp i saw lucy and cx there waiting.. then i go in first with perry, i sit beside him.. hahah.. then everyone started to come in and meiyun and lucy sit together with meiyun de friends... then later on cx come in with both his father and his uncle... then they sit behind me.. i can hear their rush breathing la.. cos late le so rush.. lol.. after the talk... (it was boring.. and oh! cx's dad and uncle soo hiong sia.. ask question.. so daring.. but why cx is so different.....) okie after the talk, me and my father go down the stairs and heading for the exit when one uncle stop infront of him and say "long time no see!" to my father, i tot who sia.. then i recognise the person at once.. (i cant say who.. hehe secret guess yourself.. ) anyway my father was this uncle's sergeant in army before.. if im not wrong this uncle is 47 or 48 years old.. okie clue.. he got two daughter.. =] thats all..
phew.. flutey lesson is getting worst for me.. i so lazy to practise sia.. how! argh.. hate myself..
anyway thats all for today.. tml working again.. 10-6 if im not wrong.. haiz.. mon sch again.. UT somemore.. i got to go it helpdesk.. ARGH!
~mickey left, swish swish~
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
okok, lots of things to say but i should not mention all..
during this month, we celebrated two person's birthday, lucy's and cheng xi.. and and and... its sooo fun.. i really wonder will they do this for me.. i hope so! must be very fun ma.. hehe.. surprise me!
flute has been well, kinda lazy to practise.. CANNOT! but.. i still so lazy.. HOW?
im going to trake my driving test soon!! 27th of feb.. YEA YEA i can drive during this year i don care! SO EXCITED!
hehe.. i going to change my blogskin.. let me see what kind of blogskin is nice.. hehe..
i watched three new drama series, Goong princess hour, Coffee prince and romantic princess.. well, all is nice except romantic princess de production is soooo not nice.. budget?
acer! i keep going acer during this holiday.. my laptop is announced dead! and they are going to give me a new one, soon, by this week.. i hope so..
been busy playing silkroad.. wan to know what issit? visit www.silkroadonline.net
semester ending.. ARGH!
still not mature.. hates studying.. don noe why.. GROW UP!
okie got to go.. BYE..
PS: i got to learn acting cool from mr Vampire Sunny Sunrise Yang Cheng Xi. =]