This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Friday, February 29, 2008
Yoo hoo!! =]]
Im so tired! because i went running at cck stadium. With rafey.. LOL.. we ran 3.6km (9 rounds) within half an hour.. thats bad you know.. but.. its the first day! we will get better im sure..
went to watch L Changes The World. COOL! i love that show.. 4 stars *bling bling*. At first i don like the actor as L.. so wierd.. but then.. after watching that show.. im changing my view on him.. he seems to be better looking and.. hes funny and "cute".. im thinking he might be a very caring and good father.. after he look after that two kid. mayb when hes not that eccentric la.. but the show..totally.. nice cool, and funny! except some parts where people die its not nice.. lol!
hmmm.. good to see people commenting about my last post..
well, heres a reply.. im not sure if you are here to see..
1) I did not mention or think you are bad. im just saying that, after you have a bunch of good friends, you seems to "not wanting" to hang out.. simply because whenever i asked you out, you seems to be soo busy or telling me your mom doesnt allow you to go out so many times, but yet you seems to be going out freely with them.. im not saying you shouldnt do that, but im just trying to meet up with you while you doesnt even care.
2) yes i agree, you are there to help me. and i did not state u did not. and anyway, thanks for helping me whenever you could.. =]]
3) im not very sure whether i treated you as a perfect friend as i myself know, there is no single perfect person in this world.
4) Why, you asked me why din my friends treated me the way i wanna it to be. Im not sure if anyone in this world have the model answer or literally the correct answer to themself but.. i try my best to answer it. Issit because, those friends are not real friends? They did not mean to be your friends. Oh, yes, they do help out sometimes.. but.. helping ONLY doesnt mean its true.
5) Im trying to understand them. But as i say, since they are not true enough, however you understand, you could never get the real answer.
opps.. i oso don noe what im talking about le.. so messy my head.. lalala.. btw, not trying to against you.. but this is how i feel after reading your comments.. it may be wrong. its not perfect at all, i should say. and, your last sentence "hopefully i noe that u will get a lot of best frens from everywhere", i would treat it as an act of sarcasm if im petty and sensitive. just to let you noe you cant use such sensitive sentence.. =]]
dead muscles and body. thats what im feeling now.. FLUTE TML AT 9.45!!! SIAN. =p
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hey people,
shall i educate each and everyone of u here a piece of advice from me?
Please.. DO NOT think that... all your friends will remember you... not all friends are real friends who are there when you are down or up.. do not think that u now belong to a certain clique and you do not have to worry much, because, when you move on a different path with them, they would gradually forget u...
what? you need proof? alright.. im giving some examples... so please dig your ears, oh i mean, wipe your eyes clean and read it up!
1) After graduation from secondary, i have a bunch of friends still having contact and celebrating birthdays together... till one day, they went out tgt including a birthday girl whom they noe its her birthday... yet, that whole day, even till they parted, did not wish her anything. How sad can it be huh?
2) And the same old bunch of people, opening some chalet inviting many many people that they noe and wish to invite one, but one.. JUST ONE whom they forget? or maybe.. they.. don even BOTHER to ask.. since one of the participant still dare to tag in my blog on that chalet day saying "oh, so long nv see you liao, must meet up okie.." how miserable can it be hmm?
3) Woo.. NPCC Cadet Inspector de birthday chalet wooo.. Asked ALL of the fellow npcc mates that he wanted to asked.. yet.. due to certain reason, RELUNCTANTLY asked someone to join.. and when its cancelled due to some duty reason, theres still one person in this world, in singapore still marking the calender that 1st of march is going to some chalet.. HUH.. how sorrow can that be? right?
4) Npcc gathering THIS sat.. whom invited? all i guess? oh wait.. did i said all? jwesonghahmnida, my mistake, its not all.. one they din invited.. or mention.. =]]
anyway... by this time, everyone would have guess the title of "male lead" in the last three section above belongs to none other than me myself.. thank you.. =]] yes its sad, sorrow and miserable to hear this.. but well, this is the real world.. i have to accept all this and move on, i have to know there will be today coming.. i have to know, that my life is like this.. so? don be silly, all this is not going to hurt me.. don call don call lo.. i blog this just because i wan people to know that, its not i don noe.. its i don wan to say anything only..
I hope im the only one whos suffuring from all this.. because i do not want any other people to feel the same way i did.. its diffcult to think how failure you can be as a human.
oh and sad to say.. the one i always regard as best friend since primary, i think im too naive to even think of that.. could anyone be so silly to treat some one best friend yet they don? haiz.. i understand though.. that when u are so indecisive when i asked you out, you are actually trying to run away, because im not that important to go out with.. and since you have your juznines, im nothing liao.. those times and memory when we met since primary till we graduated, it doesnt seems to be found in your brain... so be it.. we are still friends.. but i shall no longer, ever think you are my best friend. jwesonghahmnida...
Lucky, i got some good good good friends.. whos always helping me, and also accept me, aiya.. most important help me and i help them that kind of friends la.. =]]
Main people that i appreciate them as my friends.. =] Gahmsahhahmnida!!! =]]
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Have you wondered, how you might die?
well, i did. I wish i would die of early age, then i wouldnt have to trouble myself about my future, my career.
how i wish, i die of disease, that shows little negligible and insignificant symptoms such as little swollen patches around the eyes or mayb dripping nose water of colour dark yellow or brown.
how i wish, i would be walking, or sleeping halfway, or mayb waiting for something halfway, juz lost conscious and thats the end of my fragile little life.
Im sorry to show everyone my weakness and my pessimism here.
I hope to see the cheerful, happy go lucky and optimistic me in everyone's memory when i die.
Wait wait wait.. please don get the wrong idea.. i wouldnt even think of suiciding.. aiyo.. its just that.. i might just die off any time it wants me to. u know.. =]]
btw.. my outlet would be...
8, 9, 15, 16, 22 - Tampines Mall 3p.m to closing
23 - Marina Square - 2p.m to closing..
Jigsaw Puzzle World! =]]
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hey everyone!
im back! haha.. hmmm.. i got the puzzle job.. did i mention? opps.. i did.. lol.. anyway.. i apply for leave already sia! =p.. on 30th march.. i cant work.. cos..
yes yes.. its on 30th to 2nd of april! cool huh.. sorry la.. i sound so sua ku.. but genting i go alot of time le.. eh? then why i like still so excited? cos.. i am! im excited when i can go overseas.. its always like that ever since im young.. =p
then then then.. SAD.. becos my pretty friend cannot go!!!! she got chalet la.. HAIZ!
now im hoping my childhood friend can go! >.< if not.. im damn damn damn alone HOR..
okie fine.. im done for it.. im taking my BTT the day after tomorrow! #$%^&* then somemore sept i got flute exam la! practical.. GRADE 3! piangz.. i will die man..
wooo.. this fri going sch for fyp.. then after that meeting rafey to go for little jogging in cck stadium.. u think i wan go cck meh.. cos i live woodlands, rafey live boon lay.. then cck is like middle ma.. somemore got stadium.. bo bian lor.. I HATE CCK!! XD
oh oh.. since saturday, i have been eating 3 days of steamboat dinner.. im feeling sick and wan to vomit liao lor..
okie okie.. im finished and done. CYA!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Im Back!
Today i went out
With my pretty friend
Her name is..... Qiu ling!
We went to watch a Movie..
and it is titled, PS, I love you..
Well, Its a confusing, funny, sad
and romantic and dramatic show!
Nice and worth to watch. Last for 2 hour.
Anyway today is 15th of cny and we had reunion dinner at grandma house..
Oh and, my fishy project is alright.. im the leader? thats crap okie.
Next wed is BTT!! ARGH! I studied le.. but still very unstable.
I got the PUZZLE WORLD job! lol.. starting work on March. Please do patronize my shop.. i will post my outlet and dates here.. =]] hope to see some surprises.. hehe
Anyway i got to say something... can i say... im quite dissapointed with something? I guess two person who might read this entry should noe what im trying to say.. but.. ah, nvm.. forget it. Life is meant to have ups and down. =] Im hoping to see something up in near future now.. oh oh oh.. issit.. that my pretty friend going to genting with me? I Seriously HOPE SO! =]] that would be my best oversea trip. (okie fine, mayb, not really the best, but im sure both this trip and my perthy trip is the best of my memories!) I HOPE!!!!
Friday, February 08, 2008
3rd day of new year...
my relatives all come to my house.. then i playing warcraft halfway my fifth auntie ask me to take care of my little nephew.. (which is her son's son.. and which is my cousin's son)
then i play at my mother's room where hes sleeping.. then after playing, i decided to blog him.. haha.. he keep turning here and there... tot hes awake at first.. but no.. hes not.. lol.. when u touch him lightly, he will move sia.. lol..

well, let me introduce him to you.. hes name is.. Jayden, Ni Hao Ze.. at first i tot he sound like tao ze sia.. (well, since hes father really look abit like tao ze, and his mum look like jolin!) lol..
okie.. thats all for today.. im going to work like hell for the few weeks before sch liao.. HAIZ..
ang bao ang bao! haha
Monday, February 04, 2008
I bought new shoes!
it cost a bomb, lucky i went queensway buy...
and also, some shoes i like but don have my size la..
then others very expensive, even more than this one lor..
Eventually bought this one with the help from both weiting and sis..
Weiting oso bought a new one, purplish and orange if im not wrong, oso nike.

Tomorrow going amk shop with sy!
Then after that meet sis to go funan it mall!
shop shop shop all the way before chinese new year! hehe
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Stupid online games!
Silkroad so laggy for me!
Lunia server close down! ARGH!
Tales of Pirates makes my com hang! AH
Gunbound server down due to hackers.. WA!!!!
Stupid sia.. my holiday.. MY PRECIOUS HOLIDAY!! T.T
Anyway tml i going buy new shoes and bag and also socks mayb
Then tues i meeting siying at amk to buy wallet that i like when i saw it
Wednesday is the Chinese new year eve le, we going out to eat at some restaurant!
Cya people! =]
Friday, February 01, 2008
Last day of sch! YIPPE!!
sad? okie la.. quite sad because im a human ma.. but still, i am able to rest!! ahhh!! i not sure if im going to work sia.. so sian leh... how how how??
nv go guang ming today.. but we went to watch movie.. ghost one sia.. The House. Lucy scare untill siao.. lol
later we went cold storage, then we saw some nice cups there and they have "samples" pasted on them. So sylvy ask how to get them, then i say don noe, mayb buy pepsi then free gift? (cos its on top of boxes of pepsi ma) then sylvy ask me to put inside my bag.. then i say anyhow, she say what la.. sample ma, so can bring home try right.. then i think ya hor. then i tell lucy..
Eh! Lucy, lets bring these cups home!
Cos sample right? we can bring home try whether its nice or not to use..
hope you understand my convo.. =] anyway she really keep laughing lor..
my FYP group.. Goldie, Mickey, Jieying, Haryati and Hock Kiang. Haryati is my sec sch friend, so we should be okie la.. Hock Kiang is her class mate.. so im not sure whos him, but i guess after this project we should know each other le ba..
tml having flute at 10.45.. ahhh!!