This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Thursday, March 27, 2008
becos im really bored staying at home, and given that im broke untill i cant go out, i watched one litres of tears again.
yes yes, that show, unbelievably touching, always nv fail to make my heart ached and cry.
I have a little reflection to share with everyone.
Dear readers,
I suppose after watching this show, i would really wan to be a researcher to find a cure for this SCD (Spinocerebellar Degeneration). I want to prove to be useful by spending my life coming a cure for this incurable disease. But as it says, words speaks softer than action, i don noe if i have this determination and ability to do this.
I just don get it, is being disabled a shameful thing? Is having a disabled friend or family member very shameful? Why? Why do you even need to feel like that? Actually, i always tell myself, if one day i have a friend whos disabled, i must not leave him/her behind. I will always stand by him/her and be his/her best friend. Instead of feeling shameful, i might feel proud to have such friend. Why? Oh, cos you see, its not easy to get yourself a friend whos willing to face their tragedy life, whos gathering all the courage to live on, to ignore all negative and welcome all positive.
Come on, lending a hand isnt that difficult. Even if the whole day you have to run here and there to help them, i will be very very glad to do so. Because, i love the feeling when you did something good, you feel accomplished. Don you love it? ^^
The end.
Hehe.. thats really how i feel. Don say im just say say nv do anything. Let me tell you something.
Once i was introduced to do some volunteering work which is to take the handicapped people to chinatown to shop and spent their time there. Well, i was enjoying my day with them the whole day. Yes, i felt the difficult in taking care of them, but as long as you are happy, whats there to be difficult of? I am appointed to take care of one ah ma whos leg is defected. And also i was given a partner who are as cheerful as me. So that ahma was very happy because me and her always joke and talk and play with the ah ma. And you know what, we were given 10 bucks to eat, shop or get a massage for them. Nice right? what we did to her is, we asked what she want, she told us she want to buy a pair of shoes. So we went to some shoe shop and try those shoes on her and ask whether she like or not. She was quite fussy.. good right? means she normal what! Then we eventually got a shoe she like however the price was like more than 10, so we explained to the shop assistant and she say she will give discount. But after discount, its still abit more than 10 so we forked out a bit and pay to buy that shoe.. SHE WAS SOOO HAPPY U NOE. ^^ felt accomplished lor.
I wonder how she is now, kinda miss her, cos her name very special.. angmo angmo name like tt.. if im not wrong she say she is mixed blood. nice right. oo, anyway that day i was spotted by my mom de bro, then he praise me sia.. LOL.. din anticipated that. ^^
okie.. cya.. tml CLASS BBQ! so excited. morning go feeding with jieying, then she come my house watch movie liao, we went to buy bbq things with lucy. YEA YEA!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
oo! our babies finally came.
So excited.. i got to hold them.. they are sooo small.. 3 cm only u noe.. i love them so much..
we are going to feed them every morning where their metabolism is the highest.. in this way, they grow faster! cool!
after coming back from sch, went out with mom and sis to sell my nokia hp, actually should sell my mom de sony ericsson 750i. In the end i use it and thus sell my nokia n73. so faulty that phone. nvm that.. then when we went there, become trade in and thus, my sis can change phone.. but she very indecisive so while shes deciding, i at there looking and asking which phone is nice and good. The person introduce my sis samsung i450 or the sony ericsson with functions like PDA. but my sis don seems to like.. then i wanted sony ericsson flip phone.. but then i change to slide phone.. then in the end become i wan the samsung i450. and since my sis so indecisive, i bought the samsung.. LOL.. cost 398, but my nokia trad in 250, and oso impromptu trade in sony 750i which minus 100, so have to pay extra 48 dollar. lol!
Sony Ericsson 750i
Nokia N73
Samsung i450


LOL.. nice pictures? =]]
This fri BBQ! So excited about it.. hmm.. someone cut his hair.. none other than Mr Stone. =]]
So this fri, morning i will feed fishy with jieying mama, then come over my house to watch movie
, then set off to meet lucy to buy bbq de stuff.. =]]
Monday, March 24, 2008
OMG.. last time, i watch The LakeHouse and it was damn damn damn touching and nice movie. now, my sis borrowed from her friend a korean version titled " il mare" oso very nice.. but then mayb the vcd resolution not good, graphic very lan.. but still very nice and touching.. alot of tiimes i like teary.. but heng.. nv cry.. muahahaha.. i improved.. YES!
i still miss lakehouse.. who got the show lend me!!!!
oh oh.. tml our fishy fry coming! will take a lot of pics.. get rdy!! ^^
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hello everyone!
forgot to blog somethings.. lol.. well, i promised my mom to take her out for a movie.. spiderwick on monday which is the 17th of march.. but then.. i found out i have only 20 bucks in my bank and have to depend on it for the rest of the month, so i ask whether can postpone anot.. but in the end she say nvm, we go watch she pay lor.. haiz.. i so failure sia.. T.T
but well, spiderwick is nice.. the feeling of the show give me that kind of same feeling as from movies like harry potter la, those magic and spirits show lor.. but nice.. quite worth to watch to entertain yourself.. ^^
thurdays i went jogging with rafey.. then after that went for dinner (he eat only. i nv) his dinner is the korean kimchi ramen.. nice.. taste nice.. but very spicy.. haiz.. i love korean food.. too bad most of them are quite spicy.. so i only dare to eat abit. HAIZ..
yesterday good friday. means public holiday! i went out impromptu with my gugu (father's sis) and her family to upper pierce reservior for fishing. we went fishing for small fishes and shrimps.. got some don noe is shrimps (if it is, then its big one) or lobster (if it is, then its a baby one). anyway.. stewpig one.. i keep having wobbly feet.. always fell down.. or slipped.. either on grass or the rocky shore.. then i whole body all wounds la.. idiot one.. but its fun!
oh ya.. that park hor.. alot alot of monkey one.. we actually brought some tibits, nian gao (my mom cook one.. its the brown circle kueh appeared during CNY one..) and bubble tea.. but too bad.. ALL OF THE FOOD and DRINKS.. yes DRINKS oso kana stolen by those monkeys.. they very stewpig at the same time very clever. my aunt hide the food liao they still can find.. then bubble tea they took mine and my cousins' one. they tear apart the lid, throw the straws, and pour out the content, so when the pearls come out, they scoop it and eat.. clever hor.. but they stewpig is, they tot car de antenna can see one.. on our way, we saw one of it climbed on a stopped car and trying to bite the antenna. LOL.. so funny..
woots.. u noe what... altogether, i only spend less than 12 hours to finish my 1k pieces of puzzle.. so happy..
picture time!

This is taken when im working at puzzle world at tampines mall.. haha!

There, this is the petite puzzle.. 204 pieces.. i show u proof its small by comparing my finger and the pieces size.. small right?

This is where my mom de childhood friend work.. her family sells vege.. my mom always come here help out.. the white shirt at the very back standing up one is my mom.. just on the left hand side of the red patch shirt ah ma..

these are the monkeys at the upper pierce reservior

Look! my 1k pieces one piece puzzle.. NICE RIGHT.. i purposely take the undone one.. cos like very artistic.. LOL.. so nice.. love it..

This one taken today.. everyday this weather.. oso very boring lor.. but if u staying at home very shiok.. haha!
oh well, today flute lesson was fine.. got myself a new friend.. her name is melissa.. same age as me. shes learning flute as well, later than me.. she like violin and piano as well.. same as me.. ^^
hmmm.. today nv work.. cos they tell me today off, tml same.. 2p.m at marina square..
cant wait for class bbq this coming friday..
and also genting next sunday 30th of mar!!
OMG.. this week.. our class allocation coming out.. die die.. i don wan to see 4 class! ><
Thursday, March 20, 2008
yo yo yo!
okie.. sorry about that sulky post, lets forget it.. ^^
so... mr roy yeo is being lame.. hes not even a 8 yr friend of mine, wan to admit im talking about him..
miss ngow yiyi is a good person.. she helping someone to speak up... somemore there joking to herself.. LOL
miss G***** cares for me.. so awww.. after talking to her, she advise something.. =]]
puzzle world is fine.. this sat.. off? for no reason.. yea.. LOL..
stewpig(stupid) miss liang jiejie.. say wan visit me in puzzle world.. nv come.. GRRR
okie.. im tired.. got to sleep..
Sunday, March 16, 2008
yes yes, we are friends, we noe each other for 8 years.. so? that doesnt mean, you can always, without thinking about my feelings, go around commenting things about me to people we don noe, or at least, don really noe. im born not to be a joke, im born not to be a clown. so why are you making my life so difficult by taking me as a joke to entertain all of you? am i not a person? am i don look like a person? or do i don behave like one? then fine, LEAVE ME ALONE.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Yo! Yesterday's work was damn fun!
becos, my new full timer partner was a friendly one! yup and i was right.. i din really wan to go home.. i stayed there till 10.15 sia! very late.. lol! cos we can chat alot of things, i talk about anime, i talk about dramas.. i mean WE.. not just me.. lol! its a she.. shes 20 plus i guess.. lalala.. shes fun, even got customer around, we still can chat like nothing.. =]] fun right..
then u noe what.. lots of new puzzles are stocked up.. then i saw.. ONE PIECE!!!! got two i wann die die buy.. one is 300L, means its 300 big pieces so will make up to 500 one.. then one is 1000 woots! im buying the 1k today.. LALALA.. i bought the last one.. YIPPEE!!!! so happy very very happy! will confirm post the pic up!!!
okie.. got to go work today.. =]] cya..
Friday, March 14, 2008
Part 3, the final episode...
Now strangely enough, this boy keep himself busy intereacting with that angel. And surely enough, that angel will intereact back, but not much. Its like, the amount you ate is not the same as the amount you pass out. Many days have passed, with the three of them playing around, sometimes with the boy, sometimes without the boy. However, with or without, it doesnt matter or change much. Simply, the boy is much neglected by the angel.
One fine day, when theres finally sun after few days of rain, this boy asked the angel to play. The angel accepted, but in the end, did not do so. He waited and waited, and while waiting, hes playing all by himself. Not long later, the angel arrived, but with some other people whom he did not meet before. So obvious, the boy asked the angel to play together. Not wanting to hurt him, the angel promised the boy to play with him later because she has some friends to play with now. So the boy redundantly agree and went to take a small nap.
After the nap, he wake up, and went to find the angel. But she was nowhere to be seen. And after a long time later, the angel appear and ask the boy to play. Now, good things don last, because, the angel says that she only can play 5 mins. How sad is the boy? So the boy accepted without any argument.
When the sun set, the dark sky overtake, the boy went to play again. This time, he saw the angel and some of the people he knew of. So they played awhile and while playing, the boy tries to intereact. Only two people responded to his words. The angel is very busy playing hard. And after all this things had happend, the boy bravely decided, that he would not care of her anymore. He will go live his own life, and she lives her own life.
So the boy runs out of the light hole, and now, still standing still in the middle of the two holes. He does not want to think so much and does not want to move anymore, till an angel whos glad to accept him as the buddy forever. And also, since he decided to give up on her, the boy silently wishes good luck to the angel and her buddy.
~THE END~NICE? my story nice? LOL. sorry arz.. my vocabulary and grammar sucks big times.. X]]
okie.. so.. my gunbound skills improving sia!! lol.. so happy..
oh oh.. tml flute lesson and work! die.. tml new full timer.. don noe better than the previous one anot.. haiz.. hope so.. i don wan the whole day there nth to do and face her sia.. if she not good la i mean.. if she friendly and good, i don wan to go home liao.. LOL
Scales, Major, Minor, Arpeggios.. im crazy!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Part 2 goes on....
So this boy, having a hard time thinking how and what to confess. Therefore, he went out of the light hole and again, standing in the middle of the two hole. Now, i forgot to mention that, once u selected the hole, there are many angels/devils inside. Each guardian could only buddy with only one person. Unless the previous buddy left, no other can partner that guardian.
So while hes considering, a guy walk past and jump into the light hole. And to his surprise, this guy found the same angel. This make the boy feel uneasy. If that angel is taken away, how would i feel? I guess i might be sad, so why not i confess now? but, wait, how should i confess? Would my answer be what she want? But neglecting this fact, he jump into the hole and asked that angel indirectly. "Hey, are u taking him as your buddy?"
However he ask, the angel couldnt give a specific answer. This makes the boy vexed and worried. For thinking that he finally get out of that terrible dark hole, and down came into the light hole, he thought he could enjoy his life. But it doesnt seems to be going that way. This makes the boy headache. If he doesnt confess now, will he regret? Will he be dissapointed and never to find any other angels that roams that place? Will he be back to that black hole?
okie! finished! haha.. SORRY LA.. my english.. very NOOB de la.. but good what.. this proves that.. its my workpiece!!! ^^ as long as u all understand can le ma.. lalalala..
this few days im slacking at home.. so tired... nth to do.. LALALA..
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Let me tell you people a story...
Long long time ago, but not long ago, far far away, around 10 m or so.. theres two hole. One is the hole of light, the other is the hole of dark.
One innocent, careless and carefree boy step into that piece of land which behold the two hole. Now, everyone know, the hole light is obvious the best perfect choice, but nonetheless, that boy enter the dark one. Though he stepped into it, he did not go very deep. He managed to climb up and then now standing in the middle of the two.
Hes thinking deeply, which hole should he choose? the dark and eriee yet cooling? or the bright and warming one yet difficult to stare at? Swoop! down came a bird, accidentally pushes the boy down into the light hole. So now hes enjoying the warmth, however, its not that perfect as he think so. Before he can enjoy to the fullest, he had to overcome a very very difficult task to do. Confession. He has to confess, to a pretty female angle inside why he chooses this hole. But the problem is, How the heaven is he going to confess that? He did not know what to say, he din dare to confess, yet he wished to stay there!
okie.. story part 1 ended here.. will have continuation.. please look forward to it.. =]]
PS: this story is based on myself.. i came out with this story. don think its boring nth. please read carefully to find the hidden msg im bringing forward to u all. Happy deciphering.. =]]
Monday, March 10, 2008
Ahn Nyong Ha Seyo!!!
after working for two days, im back!
well, puzzle world is fun.. cos can see alot of different people while im soo seng lang.. (free) not like pepperlunch.. have to do this do that.. and also.. theres some funy people..
1) I saw a couple walk past the shop then the girl say " eh, puzzle leh, wan to buy.... for me anot?"
2) got three army boys come in and ask for military puzzle
3) got two boys come in and ask for music puzzle.. then got one is snoopy band.. but.. 2k pieces.. they don wan..
okie fine.. they are not really funny.. but.. u have to be there to feel the "FUN"
hmmm.. theres this full timer working with me.. shes okie.. but i don like something is.. i came only 2 days.. shes been working for 2 yrs.. cant she even measure that? she simply keep saying me when i forgot to key something or when i don noe how many pieces that puzzle is without looking at the box.. how do u expect me to do that UNLESS im a genius or i have photographic memory. then.. i can proof to u.. =]]
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
today impromptu went watch movie with my mom and her two friends, who don really noe english.
wan to know what we watched? i say first arz.. NOT i suggest watching one, they want to watch then i chap in only..
damn stupid show lor.. i rate it 2/5. simply its a confusing, messy yet funny show. One star is because its funny. The other is because they did it "QUITE" good in adding different stories without messing up the idea. things they included would be:
Transformer (damn stupid, don even look like... -.-)
Spiderman 3's Venom(girl) and sand man
Paris hilton
lindsay lohan
Shrek's baby
Heroes' (Save the cheerleader, save the world)
American idol
Geroge bush
Hip hop dancing
James bond
Ugly betty
Oxy 10
Coffee bean
AND many stupid things, i don even remember or understand.. lol!
the movie is short.. and warn u, after the king die, don think the movie is finished. because after the, 3-5 min, credit there will be a VERY confusing and messy ending.. damn damn messy. jump here and there..
Oh btw, the movie is rated.. NC16, and it cant be some violence or what right? so.. u got what i mean?
oh oh.. and my mom de friend she forgot to bring jacket and wanted to go shop for one, while shopping i saw this sweater like so nice.. lol.. i bought it.. going to bring it to genting.. yippe..
woo! went bugis with pretty friend..
had ajisen ramen for lunch and then shopping time..
she wanted to buy bangles at accessorize, but found that the colour not easy to match.. so she don wan.. so off we went to bugis village and bought ourselves a watch.. for only 5 bucks! haha.. then went shop and shop then eventually went back..

This picture was took very suddenly.. so its funy.. LOL
now crazy about gunbound.. woo.. nice.. fun.. JD rocks! =]]
Saturday, March 01, 2008
OMG.. u noe what..
when i changed to this blogskin, i asked one of my friend hows the skin. He told me, why is the cursor so wierd.. and then i asked, which cursor? i only see either the arrow head or the +. He told me the cursor is so wierd. but i don understand it..
till now.. i was browsing my blog.. then i saw my credit "cursor" then i wonder.. what cursor.. then i realise.. i using firefox.. mayb i should change to IE to view.. so i changed and POOF!.. omg la.. i din realised.. the cursor is sooo.. STUPID.. but i don noe how to remove it leh.. HELP!!
Beep Boo!!!
I updated my blog profiles.. the cravings section as well as adding a new section "Find me".. that is where u will find out when and what time im working at where.. =]] im hinting you people to come visit me lo.. =p
today flute lesson was alright lo.. keep laughing for no reason.. i really cannot stop laughing at my own stupid mistakes.. either i blow not fast enough thats way the tone is different, or i see wrong notes.. or i play wrong key, or i cant follow the tempo.. grrr.. all this makes me laugh for no reason..
hohoho.. read up on my pretty friend de blog and then i responded to her.. cos she wants to go bugis buy some accessories, so she blogged to see who wan go with her.. then i oso need to go out breathe cannot always stay at home ma.. so i asked her out.. haha..
Anyway, while watching Little Bride 18 i saw this hilarious scene.. because, i saw the mic! lol.. look at the picture below.. theres red arrows pointing at it..

IT fair on 6th to 9th march!!! I NEEDA HARDDISK!!! =]]