This blog here belongs to me.
Its my place to vent my anger, my tears, my happiness and my life.
If i happen to state your good, clap for yourself.
If i happen to state your bad, then slap yourself.
This place is always welcomed to everyone.
As well as its welcomed to simply click the x on the top right hand corner.
Or you can press alt-f4. Saves time.
Since time is money, i wouldn't wanted to be accused of wasting your time and money.
-Mickey Tan
All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche
Mickey Tan Min Kai
Xishan Primary School
Woodlands Ring Sec Sch
Republic Polytechnic
School of Applied Science
Diploma in Biomedical Sciences [DBMS]
Rainie Yang
Super Junior
Single but unavailable
Husky and Old English Sheepdog
Four Leaves Clover
Sit Up - 42
Chin Up - 8
Standing Board Jump - 260cm
Shuttle Run - 9.7s
2.4 km Run - 9.24 min
23rd Nov - Reporting to NeeSoon Camp!
14th Feb - CNY!
19th Feb - Completion of EMT! SGT!
26th June 2005 - Xiao Hei's Deathday
2nd October 2006 - Da Hei's Deathday
Leopard Coy in BMTC 03/09
Kilo Coy in 53rd BSLC SISPEC
EMT Spec II in SMTI Nee Soon Camp
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
been busy bai-ing nian for yesterday and today. tml till sunday i will be working everyday, some morning shift, some night shift. so i shall update more next week! btw.. i just had my enjoyable and fun Graduation High Tea! cool!
okie.. got to go sleep.. tml need to wake up at 6.15 a.m! =(
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As requested from someone because im moody, should blog more.. and so, suggested me to blog all about my rp life. i don noe if i ever to read this, will i be emotional anot. gosh..
When i receieved my O level results
English D7
Chinese B3
E Maths A2
A Maths B3
Physics B3
Chemistry B3
Humanities (SS/Hist) B3
And then, i was sooo interested in Biomedical stuff.. so.. i went op for..
1) SP Biomedical
2) SP Biotechnology
3) NP Biomedical
4) NP Biotechnology
5) TP Biomedical
6) TP Biotechnology
7) RP Biomedical
8) RP Biotechnology
9 - 12) SP Engineering
and i eventually i called the toll free hotline thingy and the person said.. " You are selected to pursue your diploma of Biomedical Sciences in Republic Polytechnic." Once i heard this, i was totally shock, because, i don even noe what the hell RP is, even though i chose it. I was blinded by Biomedical science thing back then. I was omg omg.. i rather SP engineering lor. cos RP is sooo de new, and so near, i don like.. (at that time)
and after pursuation from my dad and cousin patsy, i decided to give it a try, given the main idea is that i got to get a Laptop. WAKAKA.
The registration day was very lame. After queueing up to pay this and that, i went into this funny place to take picture suddenly. So i drop my bag and smile to the camera, neither do i noe why does my face look shocked. And that accompany me for the rest of my 3 years in RP, on the ezlink card, on class rooster, on yandao and on UT client.
Got to choose laptop, given only 4 types. Fujitsu Small, Fujitsu Big, Acer Small, Acer Big. I chose Acer big because it is for gamer. LOL. But i regretted it because it was simply too heavy, though it really can play games, but it doesnt really make a big difference to the rest of the three.
First day of school is not officially school. Its to teach us noobs how to use computer, how to this and that taught by year 2 and 3 students. I was really a good boy quietly listening to them and following instructions. I did not have any much friend in the class except one girl who is my secondary school friend. But i heard she had quitted RP during year 2 and now shes married?
Second day was the orientation program. Its some lame games played to show us how RP PBL system works. Can you imagine, i do not know what is PBL and neither do i know RP is using PBL untill this day? Yes, i am that ignorant. haha. I made some friends this day and they were consider my best friends. Izzatee, Safiyah, Javius and Faiznur. Hassimah is my secondary school friend also. Though she is not the same class as us, she joined us and now, shes good friend to all of us.
Year 1 Semester 1 is a fun and exciting semester, even though i had two weeks of absentee due to some funny fever, which i assume is because of RP's environment, i really really love to reminisce it again. Other good friends i had is Joyci, Cheryl, NingChen, Ming li, Rex, Melissa and Ky. We always go to W1 (which is actually E1) to have lunch which is the only canteen we had those days. Oh, i am no longer contacting Ky, hes the only one in my whole list here im not contacting anymore. =] Modules studied: Basic Science I, Mathematics and Coomputing Methods I, Enterprise I, Communication and Problem Solving I. Seriously i really miss the days. 1/3 of me is crying now.
Year 1 Semester 2 is also another fun and exciting semester, i had a bunch of good friends. They are, Jesslyn, Kwee Mei, Yunying, JiaEn, James, Zhiyong, Yoges, Cheryl, Vivian, Luyang, Hazreen and Asri. We always went down to have lunch together at W4, the 2nd new canteen. Culture was a very entertaining modules we had because we got to do make album, drama, modeling, advertising and many more. I remember my group album was Emo Elmo by Minky Hamasaki, brother or Ayumi Hamasaki. LOL. Module Studied: Basic Science II, Mathematics and Coomputing Methods II, Enterprise II, Culture and Problem Solving II. Year 1 basically goes through as relaxing as possible. Grades are not an eye of attention.
Year 2 Semester 1. My name was changed from Minky, which i had used since Secondary 3, to Mickey, which i had the inspiration from a senior i know in RP who always like to purposely call me Mickey instead of Minky. And so, science industry is slowly exposed more to me, work and school stuff is getting more serious. Due to the fact that i entered IPBMS (Integrated Program Biomedical Sciences). I am still not very adapting well at that moment, thinking it can be as slacking as Year 1, my grades were not that good. Met two friends who are currently BB8. Goldie and Jieying. Friends in this class is Fifa, Goldie, Jieying, Emily, Hafidz, Perry and Jehni. Module Studied: Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology I, Applied Chemistry I, Biochemistry and Recombination DNA. This class is alright. Not as fun, but not too bad. Just too much cocky people in it which i dislike. Thats why i could not let myself enjoy being in this class that much, but thanks to the people i mentioned, they allow me to continue coming school with happy mood.
Year 2 Semester 2. The period where BB8 members had united for the first time. Good news is Jieying, Goldie and me are in the same class. Friend here is Lucy (BB8), Chengxi (BB8), Meiyun, Diana, Qianwen, Sarmilla, Shenni, Fanny and Shakila. Most of the time in this semester, we indulge ourselves in games such as CS and DoTA. Thats how we know the rest of the BB8 members, Siying and Sylvia. Vanessa is my Year 1 Semester 2 classmate, and yes, she is part of BB8 as well. =] Modules Studied: Medical Technology, Immunology, Genetics, Molecular and Cell Biology and Pharmacology and Toxicology. This class is much better than last sem, but still, cocky people are all over.
Year 3 Semster 1. I dropped out of IPBMS. So does Goldie and Jieying. However, i continued to the specialised track of Biomedical Science while Goldie goes into Medical Technology track and Jieying into Medical Imaging track together with Emily. I was in the same class as lucy and meiyun. Friends here is Jovina, Karen, Yingjun, Tengyi, Stacy, Yusong and Suhaimi. Modules studied: Medical Microbiology, Proteomic, Genomic and Lab Management. This class is bad again due to those same cocky people. However, its because of some friends i had to overcome this.
Last Semester. Year 3 Semester 2. Which i proudly present today that marks the end of this semster. I had two classes, and happy is, each week, i attend two days of school. Simply because i need 2 more modules to complete the required 30 modules to graduate. There isnt much interactions between me and my classmates that is of big issue. Modules studied: Cell Cycle and Oncology and Structual Biology. All are alright with me. NO MORE cocky people from IPBMS which im so relieved from. Grades were overwhelming good. No Cs at all that is included in my grading process.
So that is the summary. Not really on EVERYTHING but on the days i had. Excluding events and stuff. Which i cant blog now because im tired and i needa wake up early tml. CYA! =]
Monday, January 19, 2009
Aww.. today my last lesson in RP. totally last lesson. No more Modules and lesson and PBL in RP.
Am i suppose to feel sad or happy?
Anyway these few days theres happiness and sadness, which makes a day. (yea thats my previous blog title.. lol)
I shall summarise what happen these few days..
(due to my limited memory, i only remeber what happen yesterday.. might remember again in some time.. LOL)
Yesterday after school, all of us met up at dhoby ghaut The Cathay because lucy wants to treat us Aston given the reason shes going back indo for quite awhile.
Yea, not really having the mood to blog much because i unreasonably feel irritated and bored and sad and moody. =( Hope it goes off.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hey people.. can you suggest anything for me to post regularly? LOL..
for EXAMPLE, i writing a story, then most probably will update regularly..
suggestion please!!!! I need IDEAS! =]]
Friday, January 09, 2009
Im using Ancient Maple Story forum again. And there, got this forum game.. quite funny.. its call the.. "The story continues..." Rules is that..
"It's pretty simple. I will start out with a sentence that will begin a story. The next person will write the next sentence, and add it to the first one. So they basically rewrite the earlier ones and put theirs at the end, in a different color. Please don't make any other comments here, don't write more than one sentence, and don't end the story."
So.. here goes the story..!
Once upon a time, in the land of Gnarnia. There was an idiot named IGom, he was too poor and he killed himself. Then came a rat named Netbus. Netbus, like any normal rat; was stinky, dirty, diseased, and also illiterate. Then, all of a sudden, he died of a heart attack, landing beside IGom. Then all of a sudden, the fairy queen of Gnarnia brought them both to life. Then she said "You time isn't over yet, You Netbus, must complete 100 good deed for me, and Gom will be your master; when you have completed this task I will be waiting for you in this exact place for your reward."
Without hesitation, Netbus, asked, "what must i do?" but all of a sudden, a rabid wolverine tore out from the woods, and attacked IGoms Body, NetBus tried to fend it off with a large stick that happened to be laying around. Netbus flung the stick against the wolverine; and he could not believe his eyes. The Stick Turned into a ball of flame and toasted the wolverine. Then IGom looked at Netbus and said, "WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!" Then gom said " euoweeeeeoulaaaaaaaajajajaja oooooom" and the fairy said " You should also try teaching him some english, that would count as a good deed" and then she poofed away.
Then all of a sudden everything went dark, and Netbus tripped over IGom and fell on top of him. Then, out of no where, the monstrous BRIEATYOU MONSTER CAME AND WAS VERY HUNGARY. Her legs was as hairy as you can imagine, BRIEATYOU was stomping torwards iGom and Netbus, looking at a certain spot on Netbus's pants. BRIEATYOU started blushing, and then Percy walked into the darkness and she bit off his head. (lets not end the story, shall we?) When Netbus saw this, he started to run, but to no avail, iGom was still on top of him. The BRIEATYOU monster almost came upon him, but then she turned into ice; standing there was an ethereal form of Percy.
Then, as if almost suddenly, everything went blank. Then Netbus said "where are we, and who are you?" He said to the spirit form of Percy. Percy said "This is purgatory, and I am a guardian sent by the fairy to keep you from danger." He added on, "However, i am suppose to help you guys only once and now my job is done. You may proceed to the next task." Then Netbus said "But I could get killed!" so the spirit of Percy said "Okay fine I'll help you, when you need help I will come to you, for now I'm off." and the spirit of Percy dissapeared. For a moment, Percy returned once again. "And what is it that you need help again?"Percy questioned. Netbus responded, "Where do we go now?"
The highlighted ones is i contribute de.. LOL.. i shall update how the story went.. pardon for some nonsensical stuff in it.. not me! haha
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Hey hey!
Today had a Diploma Photo shooting session. Was quite fun haha. Even though i was late.. and im standing among people i do not know and.. only one of my new classmate beside me which i feel lucky to have him..
After that, me goldie and siying went to library, anticipating about playing wii, which turns out that people are playing it already.. so we eventually went to play some scanner and laptops, playing pet society and addiciting games.. and one thing funny.. i was using one of the laptop and i realised the msn application was on.. so i tot i sign in.. i went check and its not me! curiosity arise from me and siying.. so we went playing it.. i randomly choose some people.. one of it is like this..
(the person's PM is something like.. "...have faith in you, because i believe so."
so first thing, i msn him saying..
"I believe so too. Amen."
me and siying laugh untill.. our stomach really cramp (okie.. i feel that.. not sure if siying oso.. LOL)
then we continue to play and play.. talk nonsense.. got one is.. a girl.. call ziyi or something..
"hey im bored.. talk to me!"
"lol.. wheres your buddy leh? aswandy.."
"that asshole? he went dating la.."
"singapore flyer lor.. eh im so boredd.."
then i forgot whats the rest liao.. in the end, after laughing with us, goldie decided to stop everything and she type
"Anyway, please tell your friend to becareful not to log in any public laptops and then forget to log off. Im not whoever you think i am. Lucky we are nice people, who decided to help him log off without doing any nonsensical stuff. Goodbye, im helping him to log off now."
and indeed we log off.. LOL.. then we went to cwp play arcade.. then rot awhile, went some shops to play.. take photos untill lucy says she already finish class. so we went to goldie's house just nice enough, lucy they call to ask how to go goldie's house.. after much direction guidance.. they finally reach and we rot awhile before going down to eat at the nearest coffee shop for zhu cao. We orderd 3 dish and one soup.. quite a nice dinner we had.. haha.. then i act saying i forgot something at goldie's house.. so we two go up take the cake and then in the end we went down ask siying come pretend go toilet then come help us with the candles..
after that we sing birthday song to her and she somehow knew it.. but still quite happy right? haha.. her present is a music note necklace.. quite compatible for the music earrings i brought for her.. WOOTS haha. and then we ate the cake and its nice.. but not my cup of tea.. haha.. thats quite the end of the day..
One thing.. im quite enjoying myself the whole day, and i feel happy and relaxed.. but.. somehow.. because of one stupid idiot person whos showing and showering attitudes, people around that person got affected and that affect me indirectly because the mood is not there anymore.. well, seriously.. im quite proud of myself.. because.. i did what i promise to do. I really don feel a pinch whether that person is erm.. bad mood? emo? show some fucking attitudes? no.. the only thing im affected is people busy pampering that person. =]]
I DID IT. woots.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Hey hey.. something i need to announce..
I have just decided to leave someone's world. Yea.. if im a horrible friend, well, congratulations to you dude! If im a good friend, too bad, you wont expect anythings from me anymore. =]
Oh yea.. so what if you are clever? So what if i "tot" that im as clever as you are? Dao me? Please hor.. i don even feel your daoness.. i just tot you nv see the msg or what.. but so? You nv go gym my problem ar? Yes yes, i wish you had go out many times with us.. that is for the sole reason because i don wan to be the only guy in the group.. you think.. (use backside oso can) if our group has existed another single male, would i even fucking care whether you go or not? well HELL NO. I would probably go to the EXTEND of NOTIFYING you about the outings and if you do not fucking bitch care about it.. WHY SHOULD I when i can enjoy my outings as happy as without you?
Its okie.. neither you need to explain (which i doubt so) to me.. or ignore this, ignore me.. its okie. i don feel a pinch. i don feel sad nor happy. For whether you ARE or NOT my friend, it makes no difference. Seriously. Well graduation is coming. we shall part. I will still probably be contacting your cousee but you? erm... sorry i have alzeimers.. you are? =]]
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Its New Year Eve! Went out with Goldie, Alan, Siying, Vanessa to play bowling at orchid country club. Thereafter, van has to go off so we went to play pool just below. Then jieying is going to reach soon, so we went back to yishun NorthPoint meet her and we went to funland at Golden Village to play Lan (Dota)! haha.. its quite cheap.. considering 2 bucks for 1 hour. But the con of this shop is, the mouse very lousy and you really have to play finish within 1 hour, for no matter how long u buy, the com will restart every hour.. LOL. Then we went eat tea and then we went home. Goldie gave me a bird as a christmas present! cos of its long neck LOL. Jieying brought a mickey mouse shirt for me.. nice! I yet recieve from siying.. but i suppose tml i am recieving it. Yes yes.. i bought theirs too! Its quite a late present.. but well, its the thoughts that count! =]
Staying at home to spring cleaning.. Oh, after dinner at chong pang, my sis want to buy a waterproof sling bag to bring to swimming next time.. so she bought a 26 bucks addidas.. my mom bargain to 20 bucks.. and suddenly, she asked me to pick one if i want.. OF COURSE i wan.. so i oso bought one addidas but different design. So altogether, 40 bucks.. LOL. oh, mine oso 26 bucks originally..
Was suppose to go swimming with my mom and sis.. but sis leg pain so din go.. then afternoon went shopping at orchard with sis.. bought some presents and then after that, went to heeren to meet my cousin, Patsy. Went shokudo to have some food and then we went back home. I asked patsy if she wanted to come my house for dinner, cos my mom cooking dumpling noodles.. so she say okie.. but she took car, me and my sis take mrt back.. We din tell my mom.. lol.. and it really surprise her and she had to cook more.. and theres cockles as well.. so my cousin ate it untill finish and she started saying she wan to eat gong gong with us so she told her husband the next day they come our house eat dinner again, and they will tabao all the food come.. so it was decided like this.
Morning woke up at 6.30, leave house with family to my father's working place for breakfast and because he need to work awhile.. so we went to his company to play. Oh, hes company is AVA. =]]
One of the cat whose leg is injured. One of the paw is dislocated.. poor thing.. keep meowing us to bring her out.. but we cant..
My dad have to clean one of the cage.. so we are responsible to bring the dog out for walk walk.. this jack russell very funny lor.. keep walking back to the room where his cage is.. but we keep pulling him out.. and he keep pulling us in.. then its like a tug of war.. and he like so poor thing.. he keep panting while pulling us in.. and my mom took it to the tree forcing him to shit and pee but he keep moving back.. so funny.. hes really cute..
This rabbit is playing hide and seek.. as long as it cant see you, it means shes hiding.. LOL
My dad petting the cat, the first picture that one..
This panda rabbit, my mom like it alot.. cos it looks like panda.. LOL
Guess what is this? Seashell? erm.. half.. Shell fish? Noop.. hermit crab? Did you say hermit crab? yes!
Look! this is the first time i see a real hermit.. damn funny lor.. when they inside the shell hiding, their pincer and legs will form linearly to cover the hold.. like those snails or shell organism does.. very cute.
Went back home and spring cleaning again.. And at night about 7, my cousin came.. bringing all the food.. yummy!
This is stingray.. specially for me because i don eat gong gong.
Cray fish!
Roti john!
Gong gong!
Tissue prata! i think this one because of me..
Chicken wing.. also for me.. lol!
Flower crab! my mom steam one..
This is Ives! i believe most of you here have seen him before.. cos i keep asking you all to vote for him.. there he is! he love food i tell you.. he always whine if he is forbbiden to eat.. so her mom (my cousin) gave him the drumstick to chew on..
Cute right! haha..
Okie.. so thats all.. Today is sunday.. tml sch reopen liao.. 3 more weeks! yes!